QUESTIONNAIRE ON THE STATE OF NEW MEDIA ART Version: 2012.7.24 You are invited to participate in a research project that is examining the state of international new media art. This questionnaire can be downloaded as a doc or txt file from: or The following questionnaire is being submitted to anyone with an interest in new media art as an audience, artist, student, educator, curator, collector, or whatever. The primary goal of the research is to determine the role that new media art has within the contemporary art world. Feel free to send this questionnaire to any potential participants. The time required to complete the questionnaire is approximately 10 minutes. Please submit your completed questionnaire by August 1, 2012 to: If you would prefer to answer the questions through a Skype conversation or if you have any questions, please contact: Your answers and comments will be discussed anonymously within papers and public presentations unless you provide your contact details below: Name: Position: Institution affiliation: Email address: [ ] I want my answers to be discussed anonymously QUESTIONS Within this questionnaire, "new media art" will refer to artworks that are created using any contemporary technologies that are rapidly evolving, such as computer hardware, computer software, the Internet, Smartphones, digital video, digital audio, computer animation, digital photography, robotics, biotechnology, etc. No specific definition of "success" is provided regarding the questions on the success of new media art because a primary goal of the questionnaire is to determine your interpretation of this phenomenon. Please indicate your answers to the multiple-choice questions with an [x], and feel free to add your personal comments wherever you want. If appropriate, you can select more than one answer to the multiple-choice questions. 1. What is your primary involvement with new media art? [ ] artist, composer, or musician [ ] audience member [ ] art collector [ ] art curator [ ] art gallery owner or dealer [ ] director of an art institute, museum, or festival [ ] educator, teacher, instructor, or professor [ ] administrator of an educational institute or department [ ] writer on the theory or practice of art [ ] researcher [ ] designer [ ] technological [ ] undergraduate student [ ] graduate student [ ] other, please specify: 2. How many years have you been familiar with new media art?___ 3. What is your level of familiarity with the theory or production of new media art: [ ] none [ ] low [ ] moderate experience [ ] considerable experience 4. Are you formally associated with an institution that is involved with the production, education, research, exhibition, or sale of new media art? [ ] yes [ ] no What type of institution is it?________________ What is the name of the institution? (optional answer) _______________ 5. Do you consider new media art to be a: [ ] style [ ] art movement [ ] technique [ ] other (explain):_______________ 6. Do you think that new media art is a successful artistic movement in the present time? [ ] yes [ ] no 7. Do you think that new media art was more successful in the past? [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, when __________ 8. Which criteria did you use when answering questions #6 and #7? __________________________ Why do you use those criteria?______________________ 9. How do you determine the success of an art movement? 10. From the following list, who has the most influence in determining the success of new media art? Please select only one answer. [ ] new media artists [ ] art audiences [ ] art collectors [ ] art dealers [ ] art curators [ ] directors of art institutions [ ] art educators [ ] writers and critics of art [ ] other; explain: 11. Name 3 new media artist that you consider to be successful: _______________ _______________ _______________ Why did you select them?_________________ 12. Have you ever purchased a new media artwork? [ ] yes [ ] no If you answered yes, what is the total value of your new media art collection?___ 13. How many new media artists do you know who are surviving financially solely through their art practice? [ ] none [ ] 1 to 5 new media artists [ ] 6 to 20 new media artists [ ] 21-50 new media artists [ ] over 51-100 new media artists [ ] over 100 new media artists 14. How many new media artists do you know who are surviving financially as teachers, professors, or researchers at educational or art institutions? [ ] none [ ] 1 to 5 new media artists [ ] 6 to 20 new media artists [ ] 21-50 new media artists [ ] over 51-100 new media artists [ ] over 100 new media artists 15. How many new media artists do you know who are surviving financially as designers of new media content, such as websites, computer animation, video, etc? [ ] none [ ] 1 to 5 new media artists [ ] 6 to 20 new media artists [ ] 21-50 new media artists [ ] over 51-100 new media artists [ ] over 100 new media artists 16. How many new media artists do you know who are surviving financially as designers of new media technology, such as hardware or software? [ ] none [ ] 1 to 5 new media artists [ ] 6 to 20 new media artists [ ] 21-50 new media artists [ ] over 51-100 new media artists [ ] over 100 new media artists 17. If you know of any new media artists who are surviving financially through other occupations, please indicate their occupations and the number of artists: no. ________ occupation:_____________________ no. ________ occupation:_____________________ no. ________ occupation:_____________________ 18. Has new media art provided you personally with any form of success? [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, please explain the type of success. 19. Please add additional comments below: Please submit your completed questionnaire by August 1, 2012 to: or as a Facebook message to: Thank you for your participation! Don Ritter