Augmented Theatre iOS App (on App Store) with Isadora
Hi 8, I have received a TestFlight update for your iOS app. I have had an opportunity to test with Isadora, the app is at least launching on my iPhone with iOS10. The AR compass functions appear after swipping across the screen. Everything is working on the Isadora 22Sept patch.
Cheers Bonemap -
@bonemap: Thanks for your report. Previously the app wasn't launching on IOS 10, because this version of IOS introduced a watcher, which would kill applications on startup, if they were considered taking too long time to launch. The app was loading files off the cloud, and that prompted the kill on iOS 10. Now download happens on background thread and iOS 10 is happy.
Did you check out new functionality at ?Thanks.-8 -
Today at the show I found another use of the app: It can be used for communication between technicians, running the show. Messages silently appear on their smartphones, coming from one centralized location (Isadora), telling everybody what exactly is happening now, and what to expect next. I think I will add a configurable OSC port to separate technical and non-technical audiences.
--8 -
I like this as a stage management / cueing tool
@DusX The version currently in App Store Review allows to manually change the OSC port in the app's settings to allow the technical stuff to set their "technical" port.
--8 -
We found in productions that entering a realtime text through Isadora (where we control the rest of the media in the smartphones) is hard.
So I quickly created a standalone program to easier send text to the Augmented theatre App.The demo of the program is here:[]( program (OS X) can be downloaded here:[]( works on port 3000 and broadcasts to it a go..Cheers.--8 -
Sorry for the thread necromancy, but this is freaking amazing. I'm going to try it out soon and see if it still works on the most recent iOS. Love it for both audience and a cueing tool. I'll definitely use this if it still functions.
Are you still developing this?
Best wishes,
@woland Yes, I am adding features to it, and put it to use in the theatre projects as they come along, for example, this one: Different versions of it work with AR, 3d sound and estimote beacons in IoT systems. The main difficulty in using it in external projects though is the media content. I am loading it through my own firebase cloud account. If there is interest I would externalize it so that people could set this app with their own firebase cloud accounts.
@eight said:
If there is interest
I would be interested particularly if there is a bullet proof way to manage content delivery to mobile devices. Has this ported to android or is it only iOS?
Best Wishes
@bonemap Never had any issues with content delivery except time to load (300 devices at the same time take some time), and storage capacity on Androids, which tend to not have enough GB, as opposed to apple devices.
The cloud storage is described here: