Send text photos to Isadora
I'm always interested in this as I've been running a Bluetooth Slideshow at events for years.
It works fine but with a few caveats - some phones need pairing manually (yawn), some phones just don't work, alot of images need rotating (manually), depending on the crowd you can get a load of advertising or porn, you can only receive 1 image at a time and it can be slow.It would be nice to have a non-bluetooth alternative as well. Ideally one that uses an ad hoc network.Here's a solution for an internet connected computer: Get a dropbox account, get an email address from, get people to email their images to this email address.The photos should then drop into your dropbox/attachments folder. Write an applescript to import new files into Isadora (see Fred's link to old forum). Voila.Anyone got any ideas for a local wireless network solution? -
i've been playing with the quartz rss feed patch thingy. managed to find where to insert the osc sender, configured the settings and am seeing the string feed in the stream set up window.
so far so good.unfortunately, the listener doesn't see the text and my excitement drops as i see nothing on the stage... so close yet so far.going for a walk instead. -
Hi @particlep
Make sure that the OSC listener is set to 'text' in the type field. -
@[jakerly]( this website out.[****]( using an RSS Feed looking for a specfic #Hashtag you can then automatically add the selected tweets to something like an email address, dropbox folder or similar.An apple script watching a dropbox folder for instance could then automatically add the pictures into the media bin.Hope this helps. -
hi Skulpture
this is what i've been playing with in isadora. i don;t see the text on the stage. i don;t kow what to do now. -
All looks fine... was the IP number set to in Quartz? I presume it is actually as Isadora has detected it.
Why not send a new tweet and see if it pushes it through?I have mine set up exactly the same way as you. -
i hadn;t set the ip number, it had just worked.
there also seems to be a problem in saving the quartz patch too.i did tweet again and no it didn't work.when i put the quartz composition into isadora the stage shows the tweet info, can;t format the info, but it's showing up. -
Strange, so the Quartz app works and OSC semi works. Interesting.
i've got it working now....... look back at the images i posted ...... i was using a listener, not an osc listener !
Of course! Well spotted!
it was a relief and i was quite pleased thank you
is there a way to send a picture from a phone via the mms/sms system to an email that then can be looked at by isadora to retrieve the picture ?
Yes have a look at this website
ummm...need to think a bit a play with it a bit..... that's of course.
i've found this page with some info on twitter into processing -
Twitter now uses JSON as of twitter API 1.1 - this is a real shame. I need to find a solution as none of my RSS (XML) files now work...
Anyone know how to search via a single line in JSON (web-based)
I have found this code... but no luck....
when twitter moved on from using the rss stuff i witnessed how many many websites suddenly developed twitter errors, mine included. by the very nature of code it can be rewritten or developed. as once we saw rss quartz solutions for twitter might we at some point see twiter api solutions appear? my take on this is that for a while i was able to make something for a while based on bits of code i could gather. as in no way i was able to originate the code, if those who wrote the code need to do something else, i must simply accept and wait or move on.
Someone has been discussing it here... a work around for VDMX Vj software (which can host Quartz also)
Seems very long winded but apparently it can be done... need to try this at some point.Why Twitter have scrapped RSS is beyond me... I too have seen many websites suffer as a result. -
i'll play with that sometime in the future too.