Ableton Live / Isadora - MIDI communication tutoral
Hi all,
I was wondering if there is any interest in a tutorial on virtual MIDI exchange between Ableton Live and Isadora.
Have been working at it in detail for a musician who is going to control lights independently from Live through Izzy and thought it could be an helpful update to Graham´s video tutorial from 2014.
Always welcome Can't wait what you make !
Sure! That would help me a lot. Thanks for the offer.
@aikia this would be wonderful!
Would be happy to read about this!
Yes, that would be great!
Great idea. I did some wayyyyyy back. Defo needs an update.
great !! working at it !
Hello! Did you ever get anywhere with this?
Mark (not...) -
I think I need to update this tutorial. I also want to do one for windows.
If you need a help for do that I use midi comunication between Isadora and Live in every single show I did. I can share sepific user actors and so on.
I hope you're working on this, as it would be most helpful!
I would love a tutorial on ableton & isadora. My main issue s how to sync ableton with isadora. I trigger videos/effects etc by sending midi notes to Isadora from Ableton that coincide with musical event changes. However I have not succeeded in synchronising the video with audio - the video changes are always a bit early or late and seem to vary. There must be a way to ensure audio and video changes occur simultaneously?
@vidasonik said:
I would love a tutorial on ableton & isadora. My main issue s how to sync ableton with isadora. I trigger videos/effects etc by sending midi notes to Isadora from Ableton that coincide with musical event changes. However I have not succeeded in synchronising the video with audio - the video changes are always a bit early or late and seem to vary. There must be a way to ensure audio and video changes occur simultaneously?David
I'm not sure what I'm officially allowed to reveal at this time, but I can say that there's a feature planned for Isadora 3 that should make it extremely easy to sync programs very precisely.
That sounds very promising! Thank you so much for your quick response. When is 3 likely to be available??
It's coming in Fall of 2018, so it's just around the corner
@Woland that's sounds indeed very interesting! Are you allowed to give us some clues? (it's good tming to start teasing the V3 no? )
Hehehe. First it was 15 October and now it is Fall 2018. Come on Woland, that is too vague
The officially-planned release is in Fall 2018 with October 15th being our target date, though there is the possibility that this may get pushed back slightly to ensure that we can deliver the best product possible to the community.
Fabulous! So all my video and audio changes will happen on the beat?? (by the way, for my work i guess I should use INTERACTIVE setting - not PERFORMANCE?)