OSC Hardware controllers revisited
Hello Armando, I just tested yesterday with Isadora and with Mackie Mode you receive pitch bend and if you send pitchbend you move fader and encoder leds. (approx 9 bits)
Unfortunately, in Mackie mode, the surface is not using encoder 9 to 16
So the choice is:
– MCU with more or less 9 bits but only 9 faders and 8 encoders
- standard midi with 7 bits but 9 faders and 16 encoders
I am building a device for TD and I am still hesitating…
Also layer A-B its not usable in standard midi because when you are in layer A, layer B is not impacted and when you change layer the new values are not sent.
@jhoepffner before you do all the hard work take a look at this:
https://github.com/NicoG60/OscMackieControl/blob/master/HUI%20Mackie%20Control.touchoscthere is also a stand alone python implementation (that might me adaptable to Isadora via JavaScript actors) https://github.com/matthewmx86/mackie-hui-osc
Thank you Fred, I know this project but I am building a proper TD object, without the need of OSC.
Thank you for the info about Pitch Bending being sent.
I'm finally getting the XTC. Since the LS-Wing is not motorised. I went for the XTC because of the layout. The Icon Platform M+ layout would make it difficult to use flash buttons (lighting console) without interfering with the sliders.
In the meantime, I wrote a tiny patch that:
1. Smoothes my NanoKorg output (coming from Dx NanoKontrol 2 actor) - Then I can scale it in the receiving actor. Obviously, the amount of attainable final values won't exceed 127, but on the way there you get all the values in between. Actually, I'm not sure I will notice the increase in smoothness. Have not tried it other than on screen.
2. In order to prevent value jumps when values have changed without using the hardware interface. The data coming from the interface are only output once they "cross" the actual value in Isadora.
If pages/layers don't work on the controller side, it should be possible to make as many pages/layers as you need directly inside ISADORA (or TD), by storing the actual layout values before changing to a different page and recall them when coming back. Of course it would be nice not having to do that, but it should be possible.
Ciao Jacques,
You are telking about the big xtouch isn't it ? I don't understand well your post, sorry. Doeis it means that in Mackie mode 8 faders only are sending pitch bend in isadora but all of the rotary potentiometer works ? Also with pitch bend ? And buttons still send 0/127 in normal midi mode ?
Thanks Jacques
I think @jhoepffner is referring to the XT Compact, since above he states he ownes that one. As for the rest, I have no idea and guess I'll see it Once I have the device.
As Gaspard says, I talk about the X-Touch Compact (there is no standard midi with the big X-Touch
In Mackie mode:
— 9 faders send (reduced) pitch bend, CC value 0-1 when you touch the fader
— 8 encoders (top side ones) send CC value : 0 for clockwise rotation, 64 for anti-clockwise rotation and 0-1 (on different CC) when you push it
— 8 encoders (right side, 9 to 16) are not transmitted, the push function is transmitted (CC 0-1)
Finaly, I will use the Standard Midi mode for my tool, the gain in precision for the faders are not so great in reality, the encoder behaviour not so easy to manage and the lack of eight knob a big lost. I will inform you when ready. I will add OSC in/out so you can use it beside Isadora with the non-commercial version of TD.
@jhoepffner said:
e gain in precision for the faders are not so great in reality, the encoder behaviour not so easy to manage and the lack of eight knob a big lost. I will inform you when ready. I will add OSC in/out so you can use it beside Isadora with the non-commercial version of TD.
Probably a wise choice and thanks for keeping us up to date.
Yes 127 values is clearly lower than what can be achieved, but it is still enough for almost anything you might want to do with it.
However, I was actually wondering why there is no new interface in the market since 2019. Most of the ones being from 2014 or older.Good luck
@gaspar @jhoepfner Thanks Jacques for the explanation. And gaspar for the questions. In fact it is amystery to me that there are NO control surfaces outputting OSC and that have motorized faders. A real hole in the market.