Leading zeroes...
I am making a time display that reads media percentage.P1 incoming minutesP2 incoming secondsmy format is P1 ":" P2 which works fine, but I would like to have leading zeroes on the single digits so that 0-9 is 00-09.I know its something like P1:Zn.m. Also I have accidentally made it work at some point in the past so I know its possible.but now I'm stuckthanks -
Have you had a look at @Michel's timer tool.
see: http://troikatronix.com/troikatronixforum/discussion/123/timertool-v1.2.6-update#Item_1.it takes a movie number and a position input and gives time in a number of formats. Including leading zeros..
I just recently used the the Text Chopper to extract parts (including the leading zeros) for a project I am working on. -
ok thanks @dusX I had a look. the formatting is PX:Z2 which I had right. The problem was that I had used a number to text actor because I had too much coffee. There is no way of adding leading zeros to text...
thanks! -
Don't you mean the reverse?
or is it an issue with how the formatting tools are setup?