Datapath Capture Card and two Graphic Cards
Hi there everyone,
I'm new to the forum and if we go the Isadora way, will probably ask some more questions in the near future.Since Isadora 2 has improved so much (great job!!!) we are thinking about using it on one of our stages.For this I have to build custom PC's and I wonder if anyone has experience with Datapath Capture Cards (like this one: and Isadora?Will it be possible to get 4 streams of video (for example 3x Composite SD + 1x DVI HD) with this?The other thing I am thinking about is using two graphics card to get more outputs.A cheaper one for the Windows Desktop and one high end gamer card (for example GeForce GTX 970) for the Isadora output window.Has someone made some experience with a setup like this?Any comments are much appreciated.Thanks, David -
Dear David,
@DusX is going to get back to you with further information. But I wrote an email to datapath to ask if they'd lend me one the card you mentioned above so that I can do some tests. We'll see what they have to say.Best Wishes,Mark -
I use a this capture card: i'm 99% sure the other card in that Mac Pro is a Nvidia Quadro 4800 (cant say 100% sorry different cards in different machines)I get good performance from both cards.Can capture 4 streams into the BM card but I use a range of BM convertors (analog to SDI / HDMI to SDI etc.) which can add a bit of latency (maybe 4-10 frames) its worst when doing and analog>digital conversion (not surprisingly).But for most projects it works just fine. -
Thanks Mark, those are great news
Your support is ver much appreciated.
Thank you danshorten, I know that Isadora works with Black Magic cards, but we like to use Datapath capture cards, since they offer the signal formats we are working with.
I do not have experience with the Datapath product so I can't comment on this.But your approach to building a PC with multiple video cards sounds correct.With the newer Isadora Version 2 features the Geforce GPU will provide amazing performance.If possible you may want to setup your PC with out optimus ( since this technology has been a issue for Spout video sharing ( -
That's a shame
Can you make a presumption of how such a capture card with DirectX WDM streaming drivers will perform with Isadora?Best wishes,David