Some actors not GPU in V2.2.1 ?
Hi all !! I ve installed 2.2.1 and notice that some actors are not GPU . Dots , The , multivid, slit scan etc... Is that correct or Im doing something wrong ¿ Best Maxi
Yes, not every actor is yet converted to GPU.
The release notes, outline the current GPU enhanced actors. -
it's so nice to see that so many actors now are in GPU!
I'm wondering if some CPU actors are going to be abandoned in the future development of izzy? I really hope underrated actors like Dither and Explode make it to GPU. -
Some amazing GPU actors/effects are in the works for an upcoming release.
Don't want to give anything away -
Dear All,
We focused our efforts on the actors that were most critical. If any of those actors are not marked as deprecated (they appear red instead of blue) then they we intend to convert them.Best Wishes,Mark