4 Video Playback Question
Thanks Mark, In the past I did all those suggestions, It's been awhile though so I'll go through them again.
I was using another Izzy file with no video and 12-15 picture players. Frame Rate was down to 8fps with 44 cycles and very sluggish to use. I started deleting things, I deleted the 3 Gaussian Blurs and it went back up to 60fps and 775 cycles.
Where the Gaussian blurs, gpu or cpu?
If cpu, its very possible that your cpu was at max usage. (check in activity monitor)
if gpu based, you may have maxed your gpu memory or over heated. I would suggest looking for a gpu monitoring tool (I use GPUz on PC, sorry I don't know a mac tool off hand)
@craigw said:
I deleted the 3 Gaussian Blurs and it went back up to 60fps and 775 cycles.
Well, there's no way around this fact: blurs are computationally intensive even for the GPU. If they 12 pictures were very high res I can see that the Gaussian Blur might cause this problem, even if it was GPU. Still, it would be good to know the resolution of the images and if you were using CPU or GPU gaussian blur, just so we have a sense of what went wrong here.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Hi, It's the GPU version of Gaussian blur. Most of the pics were 1920x1080 jpegs, some were 1920x1080 pngs with an alpha.
Oh, I did update the computer to 2.6.1 also and no change.
I'm starting to see a big powerful PC in my future.
@craigw said:
Most of the pics were 1920x1080 jpegs, some were 1920x1080 pngs with an alpha.
So you're saying 12 to 15 instances of x 1920x1080 images going through the Gaussian Blur actor, yes?
I forgot to ask: what was the blur setting at? That's important... higher is slower for sure.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
No, only 1 pic per gaussian blur. So 3 pics and 3 Blurs.
Almost max blur.
So here's my time line. Opened the file. Heavy CPU load. Rebooted, same thing, heavy load. Deleted the gaussian blurs and all is good. Shut down computer for the day, started everything back up opened the same file that was giving me problems and now it's good. Aauugghh! So strange!
I keep this computer free of everything so its only duty is Isadora.
The activity monitor files attached are yesterdays bad, and todays good. The only change I see is the load from Isadora.
At this stage it's a mystery to me. Next time, would it help if I ran a spindump for more data collecting?