[SOLVED] Posenet to OSC to Isadora
Hello! I'm a bit of a newbie and am on a steep learning curve here, but I'm excited to be playing with these new webcam/browser-based tracking systems (PoseNet, etc)... I have got to a point where I am receiving input from this: https://github.com/tommymitch/... in Isadora. The model is running in the browser and I've got the ports connected,
but it's only coming through on one channel, as in the pic below:
The number of values is changing, but I don't know how to separate the data into different channels. I'm thinking it might be something in the javascript before it gets to Isadora, as I've had success with this one: https://github.com/kylemcdonal...
Any help or other enthusiastic noobs very much welcome! -
You can use the 'OSC Multi Listener' actor to see the data from a multi value OSC address such as this.
@beth5 said:
I don't know how to separate the data into different channels
Conveniently Isadora separates the data for you. As @DusX suggests it is a matter of using the OSC Multi Listener. Here is an example where 132 osc values are streaming through channel 2. The OSC Multi Listener is then set to a 'base chan' of 2 with 132 'num chan'. The OSC Multi Listener will then open up to accommodate the number of data channels specified with an option to show the channel names.
Best Wishes
Thanks all!