Set auto detect as default in stream setup
Hi all
Is it possible to set auto detect as the default setting in stream setup? Am trying to have an installation start with little or no input from the gallery staff. The opening hours are different on one day. I would like to have the computers start using pmset schedules in Terminal on Thurs. Fri. and Sat. but am having trouble because of my brilliant technical skills Plan B: I want to try starting all computers with a pmset repeat for all the hours on all days then start and stop the Isadora patches with osc from a phone. The patches need to start simultaneously because the all the videos react to the same soundtrack. They're in three different rooms so it doesn't have to be exactly synchorinized but pretty close to synchronized. A problem I've run into is that the Mac Minis only detect the osc signal from the Mac Pro (master) after I've checked the auto detect in stream setup and because the computers will be mounted on the ceiling this will be a little awkward to do on a daily basis. Any help would really be great because I'm a bit flustered with this.
No, there is no setting for this currently. -
Is there another way to do this that I'm missing?
Automator + AppleScript + WatchMeDo = Startup task that opens Isadora, opens stream setup, then clicks the box
Can you give more info on how to do this? I originally thought that a simple timed start in the terminal would be enough.
Basic principles are outlined in this thread. Your process would be much the same, but with a different script, or using Automator + watch me do instead.
Huh hold on. If the OSC address is always the same and you attach that to an OSC channel, save the path and re-open it you should still have it ? So I personally don't understand what the problem is that you are facing, or is the OSC path changing every single time that you use your phone ?
Have checked it out and it doesn't address my problem. What I need is a way to start and stop my computers at different times on different days. Starting and stopping Izzy is not a problem. My problem is that I have no experience working with the Terminal. Also there aren't a lot of tutorials on this.
I have used this website: https://lucaswilsonspiro.wordp... to set everything up
@ray said:
I have used this website: https://lucaswilsonspiro.wordp... to set everything up
I have to say that I completely forgot that I made that. I should probably go back and finish it some day...
@ray said:
My problem is that I have no experience working with the Terminal. Also there aren't a lot of tutorials on this.
You may have more luck with applescript and automator, especially since you can do things based on time of day.
@ray said:
Mac Minis only detect the osc signal from the Mac Pro (master) after I've checked the auto detect in stream setup and because the computers will be mounted on the ceiling this will be a little awkward to do on a daily basis
Unless you're doing something really unexpected with those OSC messages, you definitely don't need to open the Stream Setup every day.
You need to do the following:
1) On slave computer, open Stream Setup, turn on auto detect input
2) send each OSC mesage from MacPro to slave computer, e.g., /Slave/On and /Slave/Off, etc.
3) Each OSC message you send appears in Stream Setup dialog. This serves as proof that the slave is receiveing the messages.
4) Set the channel number for each message (e..g, 1 and 2)
5) Close Stream Setup
6) Save patch
7) Use OSC Listener with 'channel' set to 1 to receive the /Slave/On message and OSC Listener with 'channel' set to 2 to receive the /Slave/Off messageOnce /Slave/On and /Slave/Off are recognized by the Stream Setup on the slave computer, the setup saved is saved with the slave computer's .izz file. There is no need to reprogram this each day, unless the /Slave/On and /Slave/Off messages were to somehow change every day to /Slave/On2394934 or something weird like that. (If that's the case I don't understand what you're doing.)
If the slave computers are not detecting these messages after you've performed this setup, then there is a problem with their internet communications or else the IP Address of the slave computer has changed.
Try rebooting the entire setup, and then check the IP addresses of the slave computers. Did they change? Iyou would want to start using Fixed IP Addresses for the slave computers. When you use DHCP, it's possible that the IP address of the slave computer could change. (Though often, in practice, it doesn't.)
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Thanks Mark and everyone else. I didn't save the patch maybe that was it, will try again....
am using a demo version on both slaves.