Guru Session #13: Body Tracking with Depth Cameras (Fri May 8th, 6pm CEST/5pm GMT/12pm EDT/9am PDT)
"Yeah, I don't really expect it to work well yet. It was an accident that it went out with the 0.9.5 build, but I figured at this point I'll just put it in and let people try. I think people on MacOS will have a better result since the entire driver was hacked/created from the ground up. They will have to deal with 512x424 image being embedded in a 640x480 frame right now."
Yep understood Still wanted to let you know. I sent you the crash reports earlier that basically have the same behavior. Isadora starts just fine with the OpenNI actor, after a while (5 minutes or so) the OpenNI actor crashes Isadora. After that the time duration that Izzy crashes after a restart is like 1.5 minutes or so
"It's unclear to me if you're talking about a Kinect v1 or Kinect v2 here. I guess it's Kinect v1 since v2 is crashing, but please be specific. That said, loads that high are not my experience. I'll edit this post in a few minutes with my load figures from Windows 10. Keep in mind that the GPU is going have like zero impact on the efficiency of this plugin. The data from the camera comes in as CPU bitmaps, and everything is thus handled on the CPU not the GPU."
Isadora 3.0.7 (Stable), Windows 10. Kinect Sensor v2. I added a reg key to actually boost my Intel CPU to 30 frames for the Kinect. When I didn't do that I only got 15 frames causing the Kinect Verifier application to yell On the Kinect SDK forums you will find a forum post describing how to disable CPU sleeping.
"I think that "against Isadora" must be a typo... I guess what you're saying is that if you attempt to get the RGB camera only, you cannot. Yes??"
When I use the 'capture mode' input of the plugin and set it to Color I also receive the depth image. What I expected to happen is that I only get the color image and that the depth image was disabled / not active (So a red line instead of a green line to the projector)
Did you save the file? Unless you specify a full path name (e.g., C:\Users\USERFOLDER\Documents) the plugin creates a path name based on the path of the Isadora .izz file. If you haven't saved the file, maybe this fails?
Nope, I didn't save the file. Will test that out later tonight when I have some spare time.
@juriaan said:
Isadora 3.0.7 (Stable), Windows 10. Kinect Sensor v2. I added a reg key to actually boost my Intel CPU to 30 frames for the Kinect. When I didn't do that I only got 15 frames causing the Kinect Verifier application to yell On the Kinect SDK forums you will find a forum post describing how to disable CPU sleeping.
Hmmmm I didn't need to do any of this. My LOAD was 21% with Windows 10 running on Bootcamp on my MacBook Pro. (I know that's not _really_ a PC, but it's pretty much a PC.)
I'm investigating the Kinect v2 crash now. I just ran the Kinect v2 for 10+ minutes, dancing around all the while, and no crash. I'm now trying it again without the debugger running... it's been 7 minutes and all is well.
@Juriaan : Did you need to be in the frame to get it to crash? Or could you just let it sit with no one in the frame? Had you added anything to your patch aside from the OpenNI Tracker and a Projector? (I suppose heavier load/stuff in the patch could change the picture.)
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Hi Mark
I tested the new files you made available. The simple player window did not open. Report included. Note: this is the same laptop (10.13.6) / 1414 that works so well with the new openNI plugins. Hope this helps you. John
@jjhp3 Trying to get a file uploaded: test instead:
Last login: Mon May 11 14:04:38 on ttys000
MacBook-Pro:~ jjhp3$ /Users/jjhp3/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/JP\ Art/Isadora\ patches-web/Isadora\ guru/guru\ 13\ -\ kinect/kinect-test-macos/run-simple-viewer.command ; exit;
848 INFO New log started on 2020-05-11 14:04:57
882 INFO --- Filter Info --- Minimum Severity: VERBOSE
942 VERBOSE No override device in configuration file
969 VERBOSE Configuration has been read from '/Users/jjhp3/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/JP Art/Isadora patches-web/Isadora guru/guru 13 - kinect/kinect-test-macos/OpenNI.ini'
973 VERBOSE OpenNI 2.2.0 (Build 33)-MacOSX (Nov 12 2013 16:14:14)
977 VERBOSE Using '/Users/jjhp3/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/JP Art/Isadora patches-web/Isadora guru/guru 13 - kinect/kinect-test-macos/OpenNI2/Drivers' as driver path
981 VERBOSE Looking for drivers in drivers repository '/Users/jjhp3/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/JP Art/Isadora patches-web/Isadora guru/guru 13 - kinect/kinect-test-macos/OpenNI2/Drivers'
OpenNI2-FreenectDriver: Using libfreenect v0.5.5
OpenNI2-FreenectDriver: Found device freenect://0
9534 INFO Device connected: Microsoft Kinect (freenect://0)
9569 INFO Device state changed: Microsoft Kinect (freenect://0) to 0
/Users/jjhp3/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/JP Art/Isadora patches-web/Isadora guru/guru 13 - kinect/kinect-test-macos/run-simple-viewer.command: line 5: 14864 Illegal instruction: 4 "$SCRIPTPATH/SimpleViewer"
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
[Process completed]
@jjhp3 said:
line 5: 14864 Illegal instruction: 4 "$SCRIPTPATH/SimpleViewer"
So you're saying that OpenNI Tracker works fine on your computer but the test application crashed? Did you try it twice as I asked?
I actually got a similar error just now after installing a High Sierra security updated 2020-3.
But the test app worked after I did the following:
1) Unplug Kinect USB connector
2) Disconnect power cable from Kinect
3) Reboot computer
3) Connect power cable to Kinect
4) Plug in Kinect USB connectorCould you please try that? I'd like to know that it actually works.
@Demetri79 -- what about you?
Best Wishes,
Mark -
1. Yes, OpenNI Tracker works well with the tutorials you supplied. Takes a couple of minutes max for the image to show up, but it always does appear.
2. I did as you suggested above and then ran it twice with the same result as above: ... "line 5: 704 Illegal instruction: 4 "$SCRIPTPATH/SimpleViewer"" Test #2 has a small variation "line 5: 734 Illegal instruction..."
the test application did not open a viewer window after 10 tries. And I did the boot up process you described exactly. Do you want all 10 terminal reports? I'm just providing 1 for now since they all looked essentially the same except for the numbers next to: INFO, VERBOSE, and LINE 5.. were different on each attempt. I even tried the closest point viewer test 4 times. no viewer window.
ALSO: today before I before i performed the simple viewer test.. first boot up of the day the kinect was recognized and output depth and skeleton data in an otherwise blank session containing only Open NI .0.9.2 and skeleton decoder. I let it run for 30 min with no problems. so then i shut the test patch and opened my patch which has the Open NI and skeleton decode already wired in and it was also recognized and passed image and data for about 2min until the image and data started glitching and freezing.. then froze completely. So I performed the complete shutdown booted back up and nothing.. could not get it working again after 10 shutdowns. So I switched to Open NI 0.9.6 .. could not get that working after 10 attempts. Then I performed the simple viewer test as mentioned above over 10 times.
there is no hardware or software issues with my kinect and I have varified this by connecting it to another computer running all the same versions of software and plugs: macbook pro 2013, mac os 10.13.6, isz 3.0.7.. and tested all 3 versions of Open NI and the kinect was recognized and worked flawlessly every time conected. i tested it 15 times and let it run for a couple hours.. no problemsLast login: Mon May 11 14:41:32 on ttys000
Demetris-Mac-Pro-4:~ demetrievdoxiadis$ /Users/demetrievdoxiadis/Desktop/kinect-test-macos/run-simple-viewer.command ; exit;
542 INFO New log started on 2020-05-11 14:43:18
602 INFO --- Filter Info --- Minimum Severity: VERBOSE
659 VERBOSE No override device in configuration file
688 VERBOSE Configuration has been read from '/Users/demetrievdoxiadis/Desktop/kinect-test-macos/OpenNI.ini'
694 VERBOSE OpenNI 2.2.0 (Build 33)-MacOSX (Nov 12 2013 16:14:14)
698 VERBOSE Using '/Users/demetrievdoxiadis/Desktop/kinect-test-macos/OpenNI2/Drivers' as driver path
702 VERBOSE Looking for drivers in drivers repository '/Users/demetrievdoxiadis/Desktop/kinect-test-macos/OpenNI2/Drivers'
/Users/demetrievdoxiadis/Desktop/kinect-test-macos/run-simple-viewer.command: line 5: 5097 Illegal instruction: 4 "$SCRIPTPATH/SimpleViewer"
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
...completed.[Process completed]
Status report
Kinect 1414
MacBook Pro 2019 16"
i9 8C 2,4Ghz
Radeon HD 5500M 8GB
MacOS 10.15.4 Catalinaclosest-point-viewer.command and run-simple-viewer.command running immediately without issues.
Isadora Plugins (0.9.2 and 0.9.6) running smooth and stable.
AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon HD 8330
Windows Kinect SDI v2.0openni-tracker-tutorial works fluently.
But 3D Puppet is not working as three.min.js is missing (JS Quaternion Calc Angle actor).
The js file is located next to the openni-tracker-tutorial.izz patch.
Dill -
@demetri79 and @jfgSo if I understand things correctly, the the only two people having problems are both on an older Mac Pro (aka "cheese grater" model).
First, I don't think you have to try things ten times. Three is enough. If it doesn't work after three attempts, then it's not working.
That said: you have a Mac Pro 2012 5,1 running High Sierra 10.13.6, yes?What processors/how many cores? (Can you please put your hardware configs in your signature line like @jfg? That save me having to go through this whole thread trying to find this information. Thanks. )
When you run the same plugins on your laptop, everything is fine, right?
Also, there was a recent update to High Sierra that broke, among other 32-bit apps, Abelton Live. Now, Isadora and OpenNI Tracker are all 64 bit, but I wonder if a software update could have caused your Mac Pro to stop recognizing the Kinect reliably. (Because -- based on your previous posts -- it worked well on the Mac Pro previously, right?)
@jfg :
You are also using a Mac Pro 2012 (3,33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon) running Mojave 10.14.6, yes?
When you run the same plugins on your laptop, everything is fine, right?
My fear here is that the library "libusb" which handles communication to the Kinect is failing, especially since you both mention the PCI USB 3 cards you have installed. There is an NI Mate thread that details a user having problems with macOS Sierra on a Mac Pro that sounds really similar. (When I wrote this, the original NI Mate post wouldn't open; but you can read Google's cached version.) In that thread they instruct the user to try a different libusb included with NI Mate, but I don't think it ever solve the problem.
In the end, I may have you to install the homebrew package manager and compile libusb on your machine. When you do this, the library is compiled with specifically for the hardware and operating system on your computer. I don't know if this will solve the problem or not... but right now, I don't know what else to tell you two.
If you are willing to take the time to try compiling your own libusb with homebrew, let me know and I'll post the instructions.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
@juriaan (and all -- please read I want an opinion)
When I use the 'capture mode' input of the plugin and set it to Color I also receive the depth image. What I expected to happen is that I only get the color image and that the depth image was disabled / not active (So a red line instead of a green line to the projector)
I realize now why this is happening; it was actually by design. If you set the 'body tracking' to off, you will only get the color image. If 'body tracking' is on, then the plugin always enables the depth stream because you are telling the plugin you want to track bodies.
Do people find this confusing? Should I change it so that, if the mode is set to 'color', body/skeleton tracking is simply disabled?
Best Wishes,
Mark -
@juriaan said:
Nope, I didn't save the file. Will test that out later tonight when I have some spare time.
I have verified that if you have not saved the file, the current version of the plugin will not save the recording. I have fixed this for the next release.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
@jfg said:
cannot say nothing because for me the body tracking doesn't work
OK. But it helps if you answer all my questions, so I'll ask them again:
1) From what you say, I assume that the answer to "When you run the same plugins on your laptop, everything is fine, right?" is NO. Is that correct?
2) But what about "You are also using a Mac Pro 2012 (3,33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon) running Mojave 10.14.6, yes?" Is that true or not?
3) Did you try the test application in the file I posted above? Can you follow the instructions there and give me the output of the Terminal window please?
Best Wishes,
Mark -
First I use the Xtion and not a kinect.
All is running correct with openNI 0.9.2 on both computer Mac Pro 2012(3,33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon) and MacBookPro 2015 (2,8 GHz Intel Core i7) both with Mojave.
On both computer I get the depth picture but no body tracking with 0.9.5 and 0.9.6
@mark said:
If you are willing to take the time to try compiling your own libusb with homebrew, let me know and I'll post the instructions.
unfortunately it exceeds my ability
@jfg said:
First I use the Xtion and not a kinect.All is running correct with openNI 0.9.2 on both computer Mac Pro 2012(3,33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon) and MacBookPro 2015 (2,8 GHz Intel Core i7) both with Mojave.On both computer I get the depth picture but no body tracking with 0.9.5 and 0.9.6
Thank you. OK, I knew you were using the Xtion. My partner may have one here... but at the moment we cannot find it. If we find it, then it will of course help me to figure out why you cannot track.
It's good to know you get the the depth image. That means your problem is different from @Demetri79. If you see the depth image, then it is not libusb and you do not need to try homebrew anyway. You also don't need to try the test application if you see a depth image.
But wait: did we make a custom masquerade.txt file for you that is different than the default? What does it say? Can you .zip it and post it here?
I will continue to seek answers for your issue.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
@mark said:
But wait: did we make a custom masquerade.txt file for you that is different than the default? What does it say? Can you .zip it and post it here?
you don't. I used the normal masquerade.txt and it works with 0.9.2
I have also tried to use the masquerade.txt from 0.9.2 in 0.9.6 but without success. Same result.
thanks a lot
Try using this masquerade file (Note: for macOS only). It's a little bit of a guess... but maybe it helps.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Dear Mark,
you are sooooo good. It works on both computer. On the MacBook Pro (USB 3.0) and on the MacPro (USB 2.0).
With USB 3.0 on the MacPro I have the same problem as Demetri79 but it is not important because it works with 2.0.
Another strange difference between MacBookPro and MacPro (or between USB 2 and 3) is the color video output:
- On the MacPro I get the video with the same little delay as the depth video.
- On the MacBookPro (USB 3.0) the video color picture is frozen on the first picture also if I switch the capture mode on "color"
On both computer the capture mode set on "color" show both picture (depth and color)
I find it a little bit confusing because there is also "both".
thanks a lot
More fodder for the mill... MBP 2012, 10.13.6 = simple viewer, as before, not working. You have the script error above. Thought I'd try the same process with iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014) w
(AMD Radeon R9 M295X 4096 MB) 10.13.6 and simple viewer works, but with lots of faults in the terminal. - John (tried adding terminal info, but don't see the file I attached-sorry)