[ANSWERED] Saving v3 patch as v2
I have a show that I created in Isadora 3.1 and I would like to run it on a Windows 8.1 computer that cannot be upgraded to Windows 10.
I know there is no official backward compatibility, but has anyone found any trick that allows to save a file as an older version, or to copy elements of it over?
I know that user actors and macros are saved as .iua3 and won't open in 2.6.1, and I've also tried copy and pasting between two open applications.
I have access to Windows and Mac.
Just thought I'd ask here before I have to re-program the whole show.
Unfortunately this is not possible.
You may however find that Isadora 3 runs well for you on the Windows 8.1 machine.Isadora 3.x does not run on Windows 8.1I would of course recommend using a computer running Windows 10.
Does Isadora require an x64 version of Windows? Both 8.x and 10 come in x32 and x64 versions.
On the "get it" page it just says "64bit processor" as requirement, not an x64 bit version of WIndows.
Just curious....!
Mark -
Thanks for settling that.
I did install Isadora 3 on the Windows 8.1 machine, but it throws a DLL error ("the procedure entry point getdpiforwindow could not be located in the dynamic link library") and fails to start.
Looks like I'll get a Windows 10 PC.
@martin said:
the procedure entry point getdpiforwindow could not be located in the dynamic link library
OK it looks like DPI scaling the Isadora windows is using something that isn't available in 8.1
Thanks for settling that for me -