[ANSWERED] build a repeatable 2 step trigger, with a different delay for each step
Kia Ora Izzydorians,
this post is relates to finding an alternative solution to a problem i just posted in the "Troubleshooting and Bug Reports" category
does anyone have a recommendation of how to create a patch that outputs 1 for x seconds and then outputs 2 for y seconds and then repeats?
i use to do it like this, which actually has 3 segments (3 triggers) and am trying to figure out a way to do it requiring just 2 steps/triggers
Thanks for any help, Mr J
@mr_j Just so?
i knew it was easy, thanks @reinhard
i keep forgetting you can connect a trigger value output into a trigger delay in, simple (when you remember)
cheers, Mr J
thanks @jfg but your patch doesn't include a different delay for each step, but Reinhard's does, so will be going with that
cheers, Mr J