Color to HSB?
Can I convert a Color to HSB?
I seem to see every other conversion.
I can make a color into RBG. HSB into RGB, HSB into a Color, but can't turn a Color into HSB, OR RGB into HSB.any tricks??
Sorry, it's a complicated formula to do this conversion. Really you need to code it in C++. It's a short job, but there's way I can handle this until next week. Remind me then (after Feb 17th) and I'll make the actors.
Best Wishes,Mark -
That would be great.. Just seems to have these to conversion options missing.
Just a bump on this. (useful for some DMX work I am doing)
Dear DusX,
It's in the new 1.3.0f32 pre-release. See Color to HSB actor. I actually tried to cover every base here:Color to RGBColor To HSBHSB to RGBHSB to ColorRGB to HSBColor Maker (makes color from HSB)Color Maker RGB (makes color from RGB instead of HSB)Best Wishes,MarkBest Wishes,Mark -
Great!! I'm having loads of fun turning video signals into dmx