Challenge for the Pulse Generator?
Hey everybody...
We are finally getting committed to using izzy for a new interactive installation that will play primarily as kiosk-based, through multiple OSC devices and a custom control panel.Being a relative newbie to izzy (and all things osc), I do have some challenges, but am pretty sure the application(s) can do what we want.
Thankfully, this community is filled with great knowledge and experience and super supportiveĀI have a visual challenge that I hope someone can help with...
We need to create a heartbeat type rhythm that will load into a monitor on the control panel, as a continual line.
My thought was to do it with a pulse generator, that would replicate a heartbeat, so to speak.
The line speed and intensity can be controlled by either osc or midi.Any suggestions on how this could be done are most welcomed.
Thanks in advance. -
I'd probably use two pulse generators. Both with a different pulse rate, offset one so you get the right pattern.
Hey Skulpture... thanks for the reply.
Offset would make sense.
Where would you put that signal once it leaves the Pulse generator?
I would imagine I am going to need a shape generator and a projector... maybe an envelop generator too?Thanks.
I mentioned this Quartz Composer patch before in the forum, I never tried it myself, but maybe it can help you.,
Michel -
Yes a shape actor made into a line and mabe the envelope++ I'd need to sit and work it out but I'm sure it's possible.
Thanks guys, good feedback.
The Quartz patch is the effect we're looking for, but I know nothing of quartz.
I will continue to play with the previous suggestions.
Best. -
I created something like this in the past using quite a few line actors linked together - i can't find my patch right now but I was controlling them using freqeuncy watchers.