SDK: Get total number of scenes and max length of a scene name
Hello Mark and Isadora developers,
I'm rewriting dbengali's plugin JumpByName ([]( as I'd like to use it on Windows.The way I proceed is quite simple:- browse all scenes in a 'for' loop
- if the name of the currently requested scene (I use the GetSceneName_ function defined in IsadoraCallbacks.h) matches the requirements according to the parameters, jump to this scene
But this approach raises 2 problems:- The 'for' loop needs a boundary. For now I hardcoded it in a constant, assuming that no Isadora project would use more than, say, 2000 scenes.
- The GetSceneName_ function requires a maxLen parameter, which seems to be the size of the string it fills with the scene name. I also used a constant, assuming that no one would have a scene name of 1000 characters.
I would like the performance to be optimal, not to mention the ugliness of these solutions. Hence these 2 questions:- Is there a way to get the total number of scenes in an Isadora project dynamically (something like GetNumberOfScenes_ ?), or at least the maximum size of the scene array (if it's not dynamically assigned) ?
- Same question for the size of the scene name string (a constant maybe?)
Thanks in advance. -
Just a little update. I finally managed to solve problem #1, I just replaced the 'for' loop with a do/while: knowing that GetSceneName_ fills the string parameter back with empty content (""), it can be tested as a loop end condition.
char loopCurrentSceneName[SCENE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];int i = 1; // scene index (one-based)do{GetSceneName_(ip, inActorInfo, mode, i, SCENE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH-1, loopCurrentSceneName); // loopCurrentSceneName pointer now points to the scene name at current index...i++;}while (strcmp(loopCurrentSceneName, "") != 0); // Loop while a scene name is found in scene listAs you can see, I didn't solve problem #2 (kept the SCENE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH constant defined in linked .h file), but after all it's no big deal. -
Cool.. the name length is not such an issue..
thanks for putting in the hard work. -
Sorry again to disappear while you were working on this and not to save you time!
For #2 I made a similar choice, though I set the max length to 128\. I believe I left a warning in the actor help about keeping scene labels less than 128 characters. You were more generousFor #1 I also wonder if there is a way to find out the number of scenes somewhere, but I assumed that the scene list is maybe stored internally as a linked list rather than an array, in which case, there isn't necessarily a way to know the number of scenes other than navigating the list. So, while iterating through the scenes looking for the search string, I just catch the error "kIzzyErr_SceneDoesntExist" to know if I have run past the end of the scene list, and thus can stop checking. This conveniently avoids the need for a constant boundary on number of scenes.hope this helps, even though it is a bit late. -
No problem, dbengali, thanks for your post anyway. The try/catch approach is interesting too, seems more robust in case of a change in the API.
Oh... I see. No try/catch, just the return value compared to the kIzzyErr_SceneDoesntExist constant.
I'm feeling lazy to adapt my source right now, I'll keep the empty string comparison for now... works well too.