Cueing another computer running Izz
I've been experimenting with OSC to cue another computer on my network (also running Isadora). Kind of a 'Watchout' style setup.....Many thanks to Skulpture's excellent tutorial!!! I'm wondering if it's possible to cue another machine into changing scenes? Is it simply by using the Jump++ with a trigger? I could build the show in one big scene, but I fear it would hamper time during rehearsals. I also looked at the 'JumpbyName' plugin- will this work with OSC or does anyone have any practice with it? Any thoughts are most appreciated
You can use OSC control anything on another isadora patch. You just need to Isolate the incoming OSC signal and convert it to the type of signal you need. You can hook up an inside range actor and send numbers from one scene to another, lets say a 0 for back one scene and a 1 for plus one scene, if the received number is inside the range the inside range actor will send out a trigger that can be sent on to a jump actor. You could even have numbers jump to each specific scene so you can jump easily to any scene during the show from the remote computer. My Isadora is not loading right now, sorry there is no example. Because you can send OSC from multiple devices to a single machine you can even use an iphone or ipad (using touchOSC) or anything else that lets you send OSC to control the whole show.
Fred -
For help sending OSC to Isadora, see this tutorial: works the same sending Isadora to Isadora, you just need to use the OSC Transmit actor, which would replace TouchOSC as the source.As we say in Germany, "sehr Einfach."Best Wishes,Mark -
Glad my tutorial helped.
Thanks Mark, et al.....actually your tutorial is what led me to Skulpture's - so thank you! I'll do some patching and see what I come up with. It looks fairly straight forward.
Hey, yes, you can use JumpByName with OSC. I just opened a show with two computers running Izzy. The first took MSC from an Ion and used JumpByName to navigate, but it also sent OSC messages containing the cue number to the second computer, thereby keeping both computers in sync with both each other and the lighting console. It seemed to work easily, and animations that spanned screens hosted by the two different computers played in sync.
Attached is a screen shot of the top-level setup I used for this, and another showing the internals of the user actors to demonstrate that it just took an OSC trigger over a preset global channel (I chose 20 arbitrarily for cue data, for example) to send and listen on. The control computer patch is on the left in both cases, and the secondary computer is on the right.