Capture Stage to Disk NEW actor!
Capture Stage to Disk Select
from menu Output: Record Stage settings…… select
Compression settings…… select
Start Recording Stage....... select capture folder and file name or use start rec or cancel.
NOW capture stage to disk actor is ACTIVE, trigger start stop adds rec media into media bin,
reopen your patch Select from menu Output:
Start Recording Stage, select folder and Cancel. NOW capture stage to disk actor is ACTIVE!!!
files will appear on desktop.
Is this how to use this new actor, or is this a BUG?
thxrainbow -
@Michel I found and solved this, wanted the gurus to know and fix the help option, leading nowhere???
I will go thru and document the steps. I think that perhaps the work flow can be made simpler. -
Dear All,
This actor was needed for a piece I was working on. I included it to benefit the community, as this feature has been requested by people, but please consider it to be in progress.Like the Record To Stage function, you are required to choose the codec for the movie before you start recording. It defaults to Photo JPEG, but currently you must call up this dialog manually before you attempt to record.I suppose I can assume Photo JPEG as the default and not require the dialog. But I will need to think about the best way to choose this. It is tricky to save this information as a preference choice.In any case, for now, just make sure you choose the Compression Settings Dialog before you record.Best Wishes,Mark -
@mark I am playing with Isadora some time now, (0.9) if some new actors are available I will test and try how? For sure!! Could be useful? Not for automated installations, I miss some option to avoid the POPUP „save or delete the captured media“. before final quit.I think it is useless to setup the capture folder from menu Input for the Capture Stage to Disk Actor, BUT for Capture to Disk Actor, I need to select, from menu Input Setup the capture folder! well confused now.
thx rainbow -
Hello from Cape Verde,
I'm interested in re-integrating performative elements into later stages of the performance.To this end, I have been successfully using the capture-stage-to-disk actor to do so.Everything works great except...**it doesn't record the sound**. (>!?)In as much as I'm collaborating/improvising with live music and dancers, it would be great to have the option to also use the sound as it was recorded so that both the image and the sound of a performance could then be looped back into the performance later on.Thanks in advance for any and all advice, TB -
Dear @atarwickb,
Yes, it doesn't record the sound. Unfortunately, that's much harder (like a lot) than recording the video. I can't promise I'll add sound recording any time soon.Sorry to disappoint.Best Wishes,Mark -
I am sure that the Syphon Recorder does sound, you could always output a feed to that as a test?[]( -
Capture Stage to Disk Actor!
nice tool so far, to start this click Output, click start capture, dialog Save window opens, over and over again every time starting Isdora. Quit do you want to delete the captured media, NO!!!!!
Looking forward to test Isadora v.2 demo features, learned could be november….