QC KeyEventEmulator
Found the QC Patch on the web and published the inputs so it can be used in Izzy. This QC Patch can simulate single key strokes or a combination of keys. I used it to record the Izzy stage including sound (via soundflower) with the syphon recorder, syphon recorder can be started and stopped via keyboard shortcut direct from Isadora.
13d8d0-keyeventemulator.zip 38f248-keyeventemulator.plugin.zip -
Cool is this a bit like Bones MIDI translator then?
I don't think its that flexible, but you can do enough.
I added the KeyEventEmulator plugin from the Kineme website to the first post. It doesn't work without it.
Best,Michel -
I'm really new to QC and Syphon, so I've probably installed things incorrectly. I put KeyEventEmulator.plugin in /library/isadora/isadora plugins and keyeventemulator.qtz in /library/compositions/.The QC actor is available in Isadora, but I'm not sure how to use it. The output is an image, and input includes specifications for horiz and vert sizing. Attaching an image of the actor as it appears on my screen. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!ThanksAnthony -
Hey I assume from your other posts you are running this to save snapshots from syphon recorder.
If I'm correct you have the wrong keys selected in your key event emulator.you'll need [ s + option + command ] set to on.you'll need to stick a toggle on the trigger event on and off. Ive put a wave gen set to square for the on and off here but you'll want to look at the toggle actor that gives you on or off as its output.you don't need to attach anything to the image output.Hope that helps.Lanz -
First the Horz. and Vert. size and the image output are not relevant for this actor. The only reason why they show up in Isadora are because Mark programmed Isadora to automatically publish these IN and OUTPUTS even if they are for no use in this case. HERE is a explanation of Mark how Isadora handles qc actors.
You have placed the KeyEventEmulator.plugin in the wrong place. You have to move it into Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Plug-Ins.
Michel -
Also use a CI Projector rather than the normal Projector.
Anything that uses 'image' instead of 'video/ means you are using Core Actors.There is also a Video to Image actor and Image to Video for converting these. -
Thanks for the responses! All clear now. I'm using the CI Projector, yes. (Well, actually I'm using both a CI and normal projector in this project.)
Will give it a test now; am sure it'll all function properly.Cheers -
The correct path for the plugin is : /Library/Graphics/Quartz\ Composer\ Plug-Ins/KeyEventEmulator.plugin
Is anyone successfully using the QC KeyEventEmulator in Catalina? I can't make it work..
...I've been wasting Jean-François' time elsewhere because I misunderstood a problem I was having triggering Syphon recordings.
Does it work isadora 3 on mac?
or has anyone made a new actor for this great function?
@yellow no, it doesn't. It would be great if it was possible to send keystroke combinations from within Isadora.
i don't know bome..? this is a third-party tool that will send keystroke data from Izzy?
Hi there you both,
Sadly there is no option currently to make this happen within Isadora. You can however use MIDI to trigger another program like https://midikey2key.de/ (Please be aware that the TroikaTronix staff is not responsible for any third party software / utilities)
Could you make a note of this feature request?
Let me know or that solves your question.
Ehh not really.. If you are on Mac it is really easy to make a Midi output and connect that to the program.
Honestly @Notdoc our Feature request list is quite full and it might take a couple of months for us to even consider this feature. So the workaround is the only thing that we can now offer.
Also just a general note. Quartz Composer plugins are really old actors that were coming from a third party. So they are not official TroikaTronix plugins/actors. Just like the AU plugins are also from a third party.
thanks @juriaan - i definitely understand this is not top priority. Izzy users are generally interested in live realtime connectivity and spatial, physical interaction, rather than directly outputting recorded media content.
It took a while for me to understand the difference, because when I first started using it, I couldn't believe there wasn't a 'Record Out' function. Now I get it. And it's no surprise. There's a reason, as Mark reminds us, for the name of the software itself. It comes from dance performance culture. And it's fab.
But for me, the 'liveness' of Izzy also makes it a powerful media production tool where you can 'perform' editing actions live and use media to trigger events within the edit, as it is 'recorded'. It behaves differently from Max/Jitter, Touchdesigner, VDMX or AfterEffects, etc and it gives a different aesthetic. So recording out is more important for me than others. No problem.
The good news (update) is that i finally got midiStroke to work after @jandraka (many thanks!) suggested it months ago. Thanks also to you @juriaan for what i guess is the Windows equivalent in this thread..?
For some reason midiStroke wouldn't recognise Isadora Virtual Out, but suddenly it does. Maybe a Catalina update..? Probably my error. I don't have much Midi experience.
But now I can send keystroke combinations out from Izzy and start and stop Syphon Recorder automatically from within a scene. This is like a powerful upgrade for me. A happy ending. I hope it will continue to work. Thanks to those who have contributed to this enquiry. Hope this is useful @yellow ...