Projector Output
After I watched some cool videos about modular syntheziser and remembered how mark mentioned similarities of the Isadora actors in one of his turorials, I got some new inspirations for patching with the Izzy map.
The idea of such a modular synthesizer is that you can route nearly everything into each other: So I was thinking to start with the simple shapes actor (like an oscillator in a synthesizer), modulate that in Izzy map (did some funky bezier) and route the output to some of the new ffgl effects. With the syphon stage output I get only the information of the whole stage. Is there a way of only getting the output of the mapped projector actor video for further manipulation, not the whole stage?Attached some files hoping to get my thoughts clearer.Thanx for advice,AlexPS.:BTW: thats the freak that inspired this patch, really cool ytube channel:[]( -
A workaround could be to route the projector to another stage (screenshot)
Doing this I ran into another problem: I have an external monitor attached via MatroxTriple head...if I have 2 stages the external monitor only shows the 2nd stage. Dont know how to swith the stages on the external, or put them side by side. -
Answering my own question here, haha. Force stage preview did the trick regarding the external monitor.
Dear @feinsinn,
I very much intend to have a "virtual stage" actor finished before the final 2.0 release. This means you'll be able to send what normally would go to the stage to an actor that "fakes out" a stage, and provides the result as a video input to other actors. I'm very confident I'll have this by the time we say "gold."Best,Mark -
Dear @Mark great news! You rock!
Mark rocks? (no news to me