Isadora and Animata
Anyone know how send Anamata's animations in Isadora? I'm on win version and I have no idea how to do it through Spout, is it compatible with animata?
On windows I am not sure. @DusX is the man who can answer the most about Spout.
@Skulpture I know u solved on OSX...I saw your post in NI-Mate forum...
hehe - I get about
I don't know if Animata has added spout support.
You may want to ask on the forum there.. if they have support it will be very new. -
Animata has not been updated in ages. You can try to add spout yourself, but you need to program. There is a way with spout to capture the screen and forward it to the virtual camera. This setup is extremely old school, but animata is an old school app.
I think you can download an SDK so you'd have to implement it yourself (or pay a dev?)
@Skulpture Yes, I must do it! some one I mean!!! Â
Any dev out there?P.S.: or beg Mark to add an Animata actor in next relese......I'm a lazy boy! Â XD -
There is nothing much Mark could do actor wise.
A developer would basically just need to find the name/reference for the main output window and link it to the Spout (and Syphon?) library. Then both mac and windows users could take full advantage of animata. I am really surprised no one has done this yet. Bu saying that I am no coder/developer so it could be much harder than I think? -
I agree with you, probably it's no so difficult to do it, but far over my knowledge...I'm thinking to send a request over my facebbok contacts (full of nerdy people off course) some one else would like to do it too?
Good idea - keep us posted
Ok, I did quite a workaround but working.
Basically I send animata full screen to a secondary monitor then I open Mapio2 pro and use secondary monitor as source and spout as output......then in Isadora I use spout as source...and finally animata is IN!!!! Gosh....20 FPS....!!BTW now is the best solution I found...probably usin two different computers and sending image trough TCPSpout performances can improve...stay tuned -