Need logical calculation/control actor suggestion
this is quite easy: use four calculator actors for the input values, then another two to get the summary of two pairs and another one to get the summary from them. Then take a comparator actor that is looking for zero, if zero then the output is one otherwise zero. See attached image.
Seems like an ideal place for the javascript actor.
Also very minor bug report - it says compatator in the help for the comparator actor (see Skulptures post above) -
Michel was faster...
@[Michel](!!! This is it! So simple, but need intelligent brains to show me the way. Thanks so much! -
Or paste the following into a javascript actor with 8 inputs
function main(){ total=0; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { total+=arguments[i] } return total>0; }
Well spotted @gavspav
The javascript method is great.
But another very simple one can be setup using the 'Lookup' actor.It will output 0 if the 'compare' input is not found in the X (eight for this case) inputs.Otherwise it will say which input matches the 'compare'If your binary values run into eight value inputs, and you compare '1', you will receive a '0' if all of your eight values are not 1, and a value between 1 and 8 if there is a match. -
Thats great too!
Another way - how about the Maximum actor with 8 inputs.The advantage of this is that the 8 value inputs are 'active' - with the lookup actor you have to keep sending '1' to the compare input every time you want the actor to do its thing.Sorry if I'm getting a bit anal. On the same note here's a rewrite of the javascript:function main() { for (i=0;i<8;i++) { if (arguments[i]==1) { return 1; break; } } return 0; }
yep the maximum actor is even simpler to setup.
yes,Maximum is an easier choice than lookup.Its probably the easiest native Isadora solution. -
and thank you @gavspav
I just realized you've already suggested it as well. i'll try the javascript actor too, just for fun. cheers. -
the tutorial on Javascript for Isadora might be worth a read.