Alpha channel blending with GPU?
Possible to upload a bigger screengrab? When I try to zoom in to see the actors, its too pixellated. -
@primaldivine you just have to click on it than it appears bigger. it is native resolution of my screen, so cant go higher
Thanks, Mark!Best wishes,jbb -
Is there any plans on a GPU Chroma Key?
Hi @DusX Yes deactivating it is fixing it, but i need it. The difference ist that before i was using the alpha mask actor, which mixes two images somehow neatly with a third image, the mask. but the addalphachannel obviously delivers a black backround with one image within the alpha channel. if i blur that, there is gonna be black in the blur too...i'll try to workaround it
Dear @zanetti,I'll have an update for you tomorrow morning that will allow you to handle the dark halo.Best Wishes,Mark -
I have the same problem as @zanetti when connecting a 'syphon to texture' actor : no output from FFGLAddAlpha... If I connect the syphon actor directly to a projector, I can see it works perfectly. MBP i7 2.3 Ghz 16 Go RAM OSX 10.8.5
Edit : in fact, same problem with the syphon to texture actor when connectoed to 'video mixer', 'video fader', 'threshold', Im going to start a new thread about that. -
The Syphon to Texture issue is addressed in an upcoming release.
In the meantime using syphon to video and converting will work in all cases. -
Thanks, it does the trick for now.