Kinect V2 to Isadora. State of the art
Hello everybody,
I've been trying to menage Kinect V2 into Isadora via NiVirtualCam v0.9.5 without results.Followed a bunch of tutorials and also a 2014 discussion here in this forum. Now I am trying to understand what can be the problem: the operating system (Windows 8.1) and consequently the Kinectv2 not compatible with the 0.9.5 NiVirtualCam version?Since these are my first experiments I accept with a certain optimism the following sense of frustration.I just would like to gather some suggestions about what could be the best (and possibly more direct) way to get it.Any help would be kindly appreciated...Best -
I don't have a windows system so I can't give you any other hint than that it looks like Kinect V2 is not supported. Soroush falahati who put NiVirtualCam on GitHub wrote in November 2014 following comment:, but the GitHub files where updated last time 11 Months ago. So you have to either wait if there will be an update or find another software theat supports Kinect2. Maybe someone with a PC has a solution for you.
Best Michel
Thank you Michel, I also work on Mac OS and installed Windows right for this Kinect purpose. the Mac OS way sounds even more difficult I guess... Also I forgot to mention that I tried NiMate, but the release 2.0 for kinect v2 is still upcoming. Best ...
at moment i'm testing Ni-mate 2, scheduled to be relased in this summer. It support a native stream out via spout or syphon, you can decide to transmit RGB, ghost only and so on. It support natively kinect v2. I also testend in isadora and it works....if Mark decide to add autoalign feature developed by OF folks we are home and dry
Great news about NI-Mate2!
I use TouchDesigner 088. It has native support for Kinect 1 and 2 and Spout. you can pull all streams -depth, color, IR- at once and you can do multiple Kinect . I can do 4 v1 on my laptop, but V2 is picky and need to use a expresscard USB3..
I have literally just got the installer for the first beta of Ni-mate V2 for Mac OS X - not sure when I will get the chance to try it out but it's here anyway.
Instead of paying you can get OSC of skeleton data from a windows machine for free there are a few apps here is one uses the SDK natively so it is fast and reliable but no depth or image streams.BTW I have used a hacked library that lets you get this stuff on mac, it is slow at the moment but getting better, maybe we will see it soon (although with some limitations) -
Like LPmode I'm using touchdesigner for this at the moment. Piping some video to Isadora via Spout.
Its seems like a pretty complete wrapper for the K4W2 sdk but I'm interested to see if Ni-Mate brings anything new to the table. -
Thanks a lot, goin' to try it soon
It has a kiosk mode which sounds interesting - ideal for installations perhaps?
great, hope it's going to be developed for Mac OS soon or laterdidn't ask the Ni Mate support yet... -
Kinect v2 for mac would be good.
"great, hope it's going to be developed for Mac OS soon or later"
Ni-Mate is for Mac also - is that what you mean?It's here: -
I meant kinect v2 with NImate for Mac....
kinect V2 with NiMate is for Windows only -
Ah sorry - misunderstanding.