Shapes exercise/homework/task
I thought something like this could be done with the shapes actor. Any ideas how to achieve something similar in Isadora:
Have a look: -
not exactly what you are looking for but this came to my mind for you to start somewhere.
Best Michel
ef19df-shapes.izz -
Would take some doing..
Probably best to group either rows or columns of circles into user-actors or izzy map.You could do a lot with izzy map alone.But in anycase there would be a lot of copies, and input outputs to deal with. -
I'd guess a 1-d Perlin noise driving the diameter of each circle in a 2d array of circles.
--8 -
3D mosaic actor maybe?
oops yes, sorry for that. you will have it soon too. But you can use the old shapes actor as well
Best Michel