Using KORG ELECTRIBE AMKII (EA1-MKII — vintage) as MIDI controller for movie
thanks people. I'll try with Ableton.
thanks again -
hello again. here the image reference
— don't work with Ableton —
I need send differents values for controller (CONTROL WATCHER). the change its possible?KORG EA1
midi output converted for usbthanx
Looks like the answer is no. I have a feeling this is hardwired into the controller.
I've found this" but not much help really.... -
Have a read of this thread also: -
Just a silly question, why you need to use this hardware? You can find a perfect Korg nanoKontrol for fifty dollars, directly wired in USB and easy to map in Isadora. What more do you have with electribe?
I have a KorgNanoKontrol and other controllers. EA1 is a synthesizer and I'd like to turn it with controller.
Yes. It works with MIDI Pipe /o/
Thanks. -
So you have it working ok now?