To pause a video with Isadora when the kinect detect a motion
Thank you so much !! I am going to try that right away ! I do not have to use ni mate, I just figured out that it should be a way to do it and I found few tutorials to send OSC. What do you think I should use insted ni mate ?
I expected to have at least 7 persons in the room because I know that the kinect can track up to 7-8 persons, well if not I will limit the entry to the room. -
I also have another question, to go further I have a processing skecth (wich also works with the kinect) and I would like to integrate it into isadora but to make it work at the opposite when the video is in paused, so I supposed this will work approximatly the same, except that I have to switch 0 and 1. But is it possible to integrate the processing sketch into Isadora ? Or should I do that inside Processing if it is even possible ? (by using true and false ?) It seems that quartz composer is needed ? I looked at the forum but I am confuse...Thanks you
You could just use the isadora Eyes or Eyes ++ actor.
If that see's anything then trigger 0 - pause or play at speed of 1 if no-one is there. Then you could just use a standard webcam. -
Indeed it's easier, I will check if I can find enough web cam. And can you help me for processing :< just to know if it's possible or not. Thanks.
There are a few users here who use processing but you'd be best asking on the Processing forum really.
I don't really use Processing. I would have no idea how to start and stop a processing patch sorry. -
Ok thanks you ! I just realized that most tutorial that I found on internet are from you so thanks a lot again
You're welcome.
Add Syphon to your Processing Sketch (install from usual "Add Libraries" and look at the bundled examples that come down with it - NB: Use Processing 2.x not 3.x - Syphon is bust in 3.x). That will send your processing output to Isadora.
In Isadora, you will then need a Syphon Receiver actor and a Projector actor. That's your Processing feed now coming into Isadora.Now just switch the Projector actor on/off as needed.You can also add OSC to the Processing sketch and send hand or blob co-ords to Isadora. If this value is greater than 0, you have movement. If it isn't, you don't. Have a look at the recent Motion Detection thread on here - there I attached a Processing Sketch that covers switching from sketch to sketch and sending OSC / Syphon etc. -
It's a shame that Syphon is broken in V3... caught me out a few times in the last few weeks.
So I realised that I needed to buy Ni mate to use the OSC, isn't it ? but I succeed with the eye actor even if it's really sensible.
**Thank you really much Marci ! I finaly change my plan and I am not going to use Processing into Isadora but I am still going to try, to see if I can make it work.** -
I think eyes is the best bet here to be honest.