Arduino shutter
Thats a cool idea!
Great. Thanks. I was planning to prototype using a Meccano set.. so yours looks much more finished.
ok lovely, @jhoepffner, it works I have to add some displays and buttons to set manually dmx addres and to draw a 3d model to be 3d printed where include all...then we can start to sell it (it's a joke but if you see how mutch cost one from wahlberg you can figure how it should be a good idea)
Yes wahlberg is expansive but if you want to copy something, see at's what I use and, mechanically and concerning electronics, it's another league for a little price difference. -
Recently a friend of mine show me this little thing it bypass at All Arduino. If u neend check it out
Thank you for the link. But the price (about 55€) is more than arduino (20€) + DMX shield (15€). More simple but less versatile…
So after quite long time here a report about mine experience with Arduino
the code posted by @jhoepffner is perfect, it works so you don't need to know how to code in Arduino, just with my servo if I send 0 or 100 % from dmx (izzy or desk) the servo shake a bit, so at moment I sovled using from 10 to 80 %My shutter use a not insuladet dmx shiel so I must be aware about ground loops, but until now is not happened (finger cross).Another problem with this shied is that is quite big( about 6*6*12 cm). Solutions are to cut a bit connectors between the shield and the board or to unsolder dmx connectors and trough wires place em some where in the case (not done until now, probably will be next step)As say up un thread the code has a specific DMX adress, i've planned to add a dip swich, but is a bit more complex and after all not so usefull: this shutter is used just by compile code is faster than remember dip swith configuration of desired dmx numberMaking of the case was a bit complex for me beacause I wanted to start from zero...and my modeling skills are disappared growing up...may be next one will be made better...this one is uggly...another though was to 3d print it, buo I'm not used to do it...this should be a good task for the future.So to recap:- make a shutter with arduino is not complex.
- it is not so expansive, if you already have a case or tool to make it total cost (board and shield included) is less than 100€ or much more less
- it is very very funny
My suggestion is to build you own if you commonly use shutters, may be we can share knowlege and reach the goal of create an "official" Izzy's shutter!!! -
Could you please post some more explanations and especially the wiring diagram?
I'm looking to make a shutter like yours.I have an Arduino Uno card but I don't have a lot of skills with it. I thought I would find something quickly on the internet but finally it's not so obvious, nothing corresponds exactly. Your site is the most interesting lead I found.
Hoping to get an answer to this old post !
Thank you !
I would like to recommend a dmx servo controller. They are a little bit more expensive than an Arduino (In Belgium/Holland a Dmx servo controller costs around 40€.) So an Arduino+dmx Shield costs about the same.
The nice thing is that you don't need to do anything, only connect the servo to the controller and then you can control it over dmx.
Most board can control 2 servo motors and they work pretty well. I used them in the last project (2 board to operate 3 shutters).
We used the ones from DMX 4 all (manual to see wiring diagram)
Sorry for the late response! Thank you for your advice and recommendations. I'll take a look at these dmx servo controllers.
I already had an Arduino board. I ordered a DMX shield last week and plugged it into the board. The wiring is extremely simple and the code works perfectly so everything is ok for me ! Now I'm designing a little case in 3D printing !