Machine learning for musicians and artists course
I'm taking this as well. Had been waiting impatiently for months.
Are any of you working thru the course?
I am just getting into session 3 today. It really introduces a lot of interesting options for artistic work. -
I am following the course. But as a bad student I dont do my homework…
Yes, very interesting, I am also into session 3. -
Perfect!! this what I was looking for too .. awesome to know there is a course available online!!
thank you. -
Yes I'm following it too of course. I'll try to connect wekinator to izzy
Armando, to connect to Isadora you just need to put out address 1234 in Wekinator or use def. Wekinator address in Isadora.
I am a bit pusseled still - what the Wekinator does differently or better than Isadora? Beside the learn/run function versus setting stuff up by hand in Isadora. -
One possible usage would be to 'teach' via wekinator, a number of recognizable body positions (using skeleton data from kinect).This would be hard to program, since you would have to detect X number of points within position ranges, within a specific time range.Wekinator can handle that logic for you, and just send the trigger once the body position is recognized.Many other such uses are available.. In all cases you could program the requirments.. but it would be harder.. and less flexible. -
Yes. That is what I am trying to do, but I'd like to determine movement qualities and not movement positions) a damn difficult thing to do. Even if there is one research projet that is trying to do so in Canada Movingstories.
Interesting link.. thanks for sharing. -
Welcome. I still miss the old forum "have you seen" section though...