IOS + Isadora video capture app development (github repo)
A couple of years ago I engaged a colleague to collaborate in the development of an iOS app that allowed multiple iOS devices to stream video into Isadora. The development included an Isadora node actor and the iOS app (called iCapture but never published) that was deployed to a series of iPods for use in creative production. Of course there are many iOS apps that can stream video into Isadora over TCP etc. Although, none of these Apps have an option for streams from multiple devices, as they assign a single stream to the IP address of the destination machine to deliver the video packets. We have used UDP and Bonjour to allow a source to be named both within the iOS App and as an input of the Isadora actor to accommodate wireless video streams to multiple instances of the node in Isadora. The video streams are inevitably compromised in terms size, frame rate and image quality dependent on available wireless band width. However, we used the development for 2 x POV cameras (iPods mounted in breastplate costumes and a third mounted into the LX grid for blob tracking. The idea of being able to mount multiple relatively cheap wireless iOS devices into a grid and cover a larger area for proximity tracking was one motivation for the development.Isadora has now moved forward to GPU processing etc. and we are seeking to find a developer who might consider the project worthwhile to take forward. Unfortunately, current workloads limit our time to further develop the iCapture app and make it available to the Isadora community.Here are the github repos for1. iOS camera stream to Isadora : []( iOS app capture video to Isadora plugin : [](,bonemap -
I am interested in this project, and I think others might too. However, unfortunately, my current projects do not allow me to commit any time to it (as is the case with you, and perhaps other devs). So, I am thinking, why not to open source it on github, so that when somebody needs it in a project she is working on, they could just take what you have and move it forward, without communication delays etc.
No?--8 -
This sounds great.
Indeed sounds great. I am sure you will find lots of willing beta testers on these pages puts hand up
Here are the github repos for1. iOS camera stream to Isadora : []( iOS app capture video to Isadora plugin : [](