Hello All, Wishing you a great summer!
I'm using Iannix to create sound illustrations for a personnal installation
and for my next year courses.I'm using version 2.2.2 of Isadora.
I've managed to receive the osc values thanks to the ID /isadora-multi/1 and the computer local IP adress.
The problems :-
When I send from Iannix 5 lines (that each send 5 parameters : Line ID, xPos, yPos etc..)
They all will be received on the same Osc Channel for example Number 13 but only Showing 5 properties.
Osc 13, will receive all the 5 xPos..., Osc 14, will receive all the 5 yPos... -
Also when I change the computer ID to 2,3,4 etc and send osc from Iannix to /isadora-multi/2 or 3 or 4 it makes isadora crash.
My question,
Is there a way to tell isadora that I'd like to receive the first five Properties from line 1 to osc13 to osc18, the following Line 2 on Osc19 to osc24?Please find attched a screen shot from my Iannix osc interface.
Thank you
The multi channels recieve on the number the are set to AND the following numbers for additional values. So multi/2 receiving 4 valued will recieve the first on 2, the next on 3, then 4 and 5. Giving you all 4 values. I hope this helps.
Hi @DusX thank you for your reply. I understood this. My problem is that if I send for example 2 sets of different values they will appear on 2, on 3, on 4 and 5 at once. Meaning I don't know how to receive individually the 2 sets of osc like I usually do with other software. For exemple : I'm sending x,y values for 2 different drawings each on value 2. They will both appear at the same time without being sorted out. Meaning there will be osc number 13 that will only show 2 values that will the x,y for both drawings at the same time. Instead of having for example osc 13 for drawing number 1 and osc 14 for drawing number 2. Does it make any sense what I'm saying? @skulpture @primaldivine
Hello there,
the folks from the Iannix Forum recommended to "Route" the 2 osc information once received by Isadora. It seems that this is usually done in PD, and Max with a "Route Object".
I found a "Router" Object in Isadora but it doesn't seem to work the same way.Any suggestions? I'm really stuck here.
I was thinking using Osculator to route the values seperatly (But never really understood this usefull sotfware.)Thank you
Sorry, I am sure there is a way, but without installing iannix and spending some time on it I just can't be of further help.Are you aware that you don't need to use a 'multi' address to send/receive multiple messages.All addresses can handle multiple messages, and work in the same way.For example if you send 3 values to /newmulti/1you can receive the first value at the channel # you set to watch this address, and the following 2 values at the next 2 channels.In you photo, I see tab 'message 1' and the settings. In tab 'message 2' can you set a different address? Thats really what you need to do. -
Thanks to you I found it!
I wasn't aware that any name could be used instead of "isadora-multi".
I just repleaced it by "cursor1" and "cursor2" and it's working now, no crashes.
Thanks man! You Rock!!Have a good evening.
Ah glad you got this sorted. Jut read through the post and straight away I though rename the pathway - and then you did!
I have IanniX but never really used it. Keep us posted on your progress. -
Sure I will! I think it can be pretty useful for educational purposes! More soon.