Stage setup saved with patch
Simple as it gets, save the stage setup with the patch, so it does not come back with the next open project. Better yet, save it separately and let us import and export the stage setups between patches.
@sontung +1 I wanted that for a long time, especially to change machines with mapping.
@sontung +1 this one has been on my wishlist for a long time
+1 Yes. This is a good one and has been in my mind as well. Particularly as I seem to be developing and managing multiple shows simultaneously for different events with their own unique set ups and beamer configurations. Being able to open a particular project that has been developed in Isadora and to have the stage preferences pre-set/pre-specified would be ideal.
I believe that this has been on Mark's radar for quite a while. I assume that it requires rewriting a bunch of fundamental code, otherwise we would have seen it by now.