GLSL variable error
I'm trying to use GLSL Actor but I am having difficulties because iTime variable is not being recognized in any of the scripts. I tried to replace it with other words or to define it in the beaning but again I couldn't solve the issue.
Error Message: error C1008:-11 undefined variable "iTime"
Furthermore I am trying to follow this tutorial: https://support.troikatronix.c...
I am getting this error with a lot of the code I am using from Shadertoy. Not sure what it means sorry!
@Skulpture I think I found a solution!
Codes are working when I am replacing iTime with iGlobalTime
Oh cool - wonder where this has popped up from?
At least there is a find and replace feature! haha.
another one very frequently used in shadertoy and wich doesn't work in isadora:
the variable "texture".
you have to replace it by "texture2D".
this should allow you to use a lot of shaders from shadertoy...