Hi there @dbini,
Why do you want to use processing instead of using Nimate ? It is possible to do this in Processing, but personally I would rather use NiMate then Processing..
@Juriaan - i'm trying to keep costs down and don't want the bunny logo appearing every 10 minutes.
I also would be interested how to get something like the ghost image from NI-Mate from something cheaper or free software
@crystalhorizon - I had a look at Vuo but at the moment it seems it only supports kinect1.
This may help:
The process should be very similar when using the first kinect (kinect 360).
@Skulpture is there the ghost image in the free NI-Mate version? Watermark?
@crystalhorizon - you can get ghost out of NIMate via Syphon, but the watermark pops up every 10 or 15 minutes if you don't have a license.
@dbini I see
Hi there,
Try the follow extension for Max 7. I used it in the past for installation work / performances using the Kinect 2. You can try it for free for a limited time, after that the artist will ask 26,00 euro for continue usage. Max is 9.00 EURO a month, but when you are done with building the max patch you can close the sub for Max since you can build the application and off you go
dp.kinect2 is a plugin, an external extension, for the Cycling ’74 Max development environment to use your Microsoft Kinect v2 sensor (XBox One) on your Windows PC.
- Color image, depth, and IR sensor output in many pixel formats
- User identification, location, and occlusion
- Skeleton joint tracking with orientations
- Body properties, hand tracking, lean, body restriction
- Point clouds, accelerometer, and gravity
- Sound location and strength; speech recognition
- Face tracking with pose, rotation, translation, bounding boxes, key 2D and 3D points, smiling, eye engagement, eye open/closed, mouth open/closed, skin/hair color; face 3D modeling with animation/shape units
- Data alignment, filtering, smoothing, rotation to gravity
- jit.anim.nodedp.kinect and jit.openni to aid in migration
- Help file with examples and links to online tutorials and documentation
- Support for collections, packages, and executables
- Tested against Max 7 and Max 6 for both 32 and 64-bit Windows platforms
- Based on official Microsoft Kinect v2 drivers for reliability and support
@Juriaan - that looks like a good option for Windows users