ENTTEC DMX USB PRO Mk2 Issues, (Also recommendations on a reliable USB-DMX interface)
Hello all,
I always seem to have issues getting my ENTTEC DMX USB PRO Mk2 to register in Isadora whenever I come back to it (I don't use it that often).
Previously I was able to solve the issue by referencing a post on the old forum, but an important link provided in that post is now dead.
I was wondering if anybody had been having issues with an ENTTEC recently and if so, if they were able to find a solution.
Using Isadora 2.5.2 USB
Computer Specs:
Also, since this is always a royal pain for me, I've dreamed for a couple years of replacing it. Anyone got any recomendations for rock-solid USB-DMX interfaces that they can confirm as currently working with Macs?
Best wishes,
Dear @Woland
It seems the necessary information which was in the dead link you mentioned can be found in this link on the Enttec website.
The critical bit seems to be this:
OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) is now supported by all ENTTEC Apps. (Nov 2015)
For any 3rd party Apps that don't yet support Apple's USB driver, follow this temporary workaround :
- You can disable Apple's driver by running the following command, while the device is connected
- Once Apple's driver is disabled, USB communication using D2XX driver will be enabled
- Open Terminal.app and run the following command:
- sudo kextunload -b com.apple.driver.AppleUSBFTDI
- Please note: This command will have to be run each time your Mac is restarted
The thing that is confusing to me is the part about "don't yet support Apple's USB driver." In the "Serial Port Setup..." where you choose the serial driver to use, Isadora populates the "device" popup with all serial devices it finds on Mac OS. This is done using a very low level call. So I would imagine that Isadora does support Apple's USB driver. Yet Lucas still had trouble.
Can anyone with a MK2 shed light on this?
It would seem that uninstalling the AppleUSBFTDI driver would be the key to easy use. However, this driver is probably required for Arduino use.
I've written Enttec tech support to see if I can get an answer about this.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Thanks so much for tracking that down. I was going through a bunch of old ENTTEC threads on the forum to try and find the answer to my issue.
Unfortunately, I can't try the solution because I made the mistake of trying to update my firmware on the device today, using ENTTEC's Pro-Manager application, and now it's stuck in error mode and is unusable. *sigh*
Waiting to hear back from their support team about solutions. Until then, my ENTTEC is a $500, usb-powered paperweight with a small red LED.
Best wishes,
get a lanbox LCX and use the tcp actors. I have tried everything else and there is just no other interface that compares to it, in terms of stability and features.
Alone the fact that it has layers so you can run multiple processes without jamming up is genius. And using cues in the lanbox and stepping through them with minimal data packets takes the load of isadora.
no two ways about it imho.
@woland said:
Unfortunately, I can't try the solution because I made the mistake of trying to update my firmware on the device today, using ENTTEC's Pro-Manager application, and now it's stuck in error mode and is unusable. *sigh*
Dear Lucas,
If you get your box back to life, let's work together to see if there is a better solution. I am in touch with Enttec customer support about this issue.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
I entirely agree with fubbi, lanBox is very reliable, usable with midi, serial, tcp and art net and the possibility to send very simple commands from Isadora with all the load in the box is really a plus.
The only problem is the lack of new software and firmware. Since the death of the creator the website is sleeping and there is no answer in the forum. the LCedit software is not very user friendly, so I made a patch in Isadora able to change the cues with a return from lanbox but it's a prototype.
I have had good success with the DMX King interfaces. They run off of the Enttec protocol, so they would likely have the same driver issues, but they are built like bricks.
I have to admit, though I was one of the first users of the Enttec in Isadora, I usually don't run my lighting directly through Isadora anymore. I build all my cues in either LX Console (Free, uses Enttec device) or ETC Nomad (Expensive, industry standard). With both programs I can trigger cues from Isadora and trigger events in Isadora off of specific cue numbers. In both programs I can also control submasters independently through MIDI or OSC. This has simplified my workflow immensely, particularly on touring shows where I don't have a lot of time to set up. Typically, I build lighting states in the LX program and step through the cues during the show (much like any other theatre or dance piece). When I need more specific control of the lighting or I want the lighting reactive to something in Isadora or on stage, I build submasters and link them to the appropriate parameters in Isadora. Since the subs and the cue stack run HTP (highest takes priority), they don't interfere with each other and can run simultaneously. If anyone is interested in that workflow I can provide some user actors and perhaps a tutorial when I get a bit of down time.
personaly I got the pro Mk2 since two or more years and I found very well. I know that for mac user it can be a pain in the ***, but if you are able to set it is a very very good interface (compared with it's price). Btw, as some one told before me, Is not so simple to use Isadora as main light desk. Personaly I use QLC+ and if isadora have to control something inside it I use MIDI protocol ( throughvirtual midi port ) but i've planned to switch to ArtNet soon as possible (thanks Mark )
Regarding Interfaces for DMX
I also don't built my Lighting Cue's in Isadora. The lighting design is done before the show and the necassary cue's are pre-programmed in ETC Nomad (Magic Sheets), that way when I'm busy with setting up the lighting at the venue I only have to trigger them.
I never had issues with my Enttec DMX USB Pro, but the unit has been replaced with an ArtNet interface or on occasion I use my Gadget (The ETC USB > DMX) interface.
@craigalfredson said:
I have had good success with the DMX King interfaces.
I have also manly worked with DMXking devices connected to Isadora.
Most recently I have been testing the 'e DMX1 pro' and 'LeDMX4 PRO', artnet units.My experience is that using the new ArtNet features are lighter weight on my system than the DMX over usb/serial interface.
Even working with 4 universes out to the LeDMX4 Pro. -
I tend to build my lighting cues in whatever lighting board is available (usually an Ion, Nomad, or Express [sigh]) and use a Presonus Audiobox or an ethernet switch and a virtual MIDI network to slave Isadora to the lightboard via MIDI Show Control for ease of use if I'm not operating the show myself. I just have my DMX USB Interface for interactive control of LEDs.
@craigalfredson I would very much be interested in your process/tutorial and actors you use.