TOOLS: LiveCode - should be able to talk to Izzy
I am excited, that a project I have been watching for a couple years is about to go opensource.
I am dreaming up loads of cool Izzy / livecode integrations.
I've always wanted to create little unique/custom interface to us with Izzy.
As in custom GUI interfaces that then send a message to a patch running in the background. Ideal for commercial uses, installs, etc. Macro button stuff - if that makes sense? -
It does.. They just reached there goal so it will be available as an opensource platform in a month. Crossplatfrorm (mac, pc, linux, android, ios)
Just been looking on the website. It seems very much based towards gaming and apps for mobiles, etc.
But hopefully we can use it for what we want it for...Obviously it does talk about desktop OS (windows/linux and mac) but all the case studies are games, apps, university data stuff. -
It is, but you can quickly build a graphical UI, and it has an OSC library. Output to most any platform.
I guess I like it because in some ways it reminds me of Macromedia Director... and the language is much like Directors Lingo..
I have spent a LOT of time building projects in Director/Lingo so I know I can use it.. as long as I can get OSC working.. adding syphon would also be a big bonus for the mac heads. -
You will be well away with that then.... not long until it's out!