Isadora Live : Live Drawing actor, August 16 2018
A big thank-you to @mc_monte for hosting the first Isadora live stream yesterday.
The streamcast featured a great introduction to the Live Drawing actor with a short Q&A session.I watched the streamcast, and offered a few comments to Monty along the way. Hopefully I didn't get in the way
Some of the questions and comments could not be deeply addressed during the live stream, so I spent a little time to create a demo file that addresses 2 primary questions that I thought could use deeper coverage.- How to align the Live Drawing 'horz pos' and 'vert pos' with the Shapes 'horz pos' and 'vert pos'
- How to control the Live Drawing generatively.
This Isadora file has 3 scenes.
- Scene 1, a simple patch built similarly to the patch shown by Monty, with the addition of some value scaling that aligns the Live Drawing with the Shapes actor.
It also uses Global Values to dynamically set the Width and Height of the composition. - Scene 2, builds on the structure of Scene 1, but runs entirely as a generative drawing.
- Scene 3, this is a little bit of fun (requires a 3DS file that accepts a texture) and builds upon the generative approach in Scene 2
Please let us know your opinion regarding the Live Stream event, and any questions you may still have regarding the information presented.
Yes well done Monty. The first of many I hope.
Bravo Monty! Please more of those! You have a big pedagogical talent for this
Thanks for that Monty, I couldn't see it live, but just caught up with the recording. I found it really interesting. I think it helped that I already know how to use the Live Drawing Actor, so what was great was seeing all the tweaks and nuances you brought to it, and particularly seeing how you, yourself, use Isadora. I suspect the vast majority of Isadora users are self-taught, if not initially, certainly as they develop their expertise, so it's always fascinating to see how others do things, and how they finesse their patches.
I enjoyed the little bits of interaction, and @DusX 's intervention re the effect mixer! But blending modes would be cool too!
I really look forward to the next livestream, and if you're looking for topics, I'd love one on particle generation, both 2D and 3D.
Thanks again
Mark -
@dusx said:
A big thank-you to @mc_monte for hosting the first Isadora live stream yesterday.
@mc_monte provided a great delivery of the live stream. I am amazed how fluently Monty developed the patch live while continuing to provide commentary on process - a think that is a key attribute of a compelling presentation. Knowing the patch and rehearsing the process was evident and payed off.
The sound quality was very good (the glowing microphone provided a visual representation of the audio capture) and in this situation good sound is a big part of the delivery.
The transition to screen capture was great and the OBS software gave the presentation that familiar YouTuber, gamer layout. Personally, I would have liked the setting and Isadora featured more visually in the room setting. What would a splash of Isadora Pink or a green screen approach added to the core message and awareness of the softwares visual identity? A lot I think.
I didn’t get the impression of a corporate video, but it was not a funky hipster, designer, arty style either.
If there are going to be more of these it might be worth considering how the visual impression of working in the industry setting is simulated and might value add to the appeal of the production - as a selling point for the software.
Apologies, my comments are not intended to be overly critical or annoying - just a reflection out loud.
Best Wishes
Here's a question: in the Stage Mouse Watcher there's a 'pressure' output, which in the help for that says "when working with a graphics tablet, the pen pressure'. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to respond to pen pressure from my Wacom Intous Pro tablet. I've set the tablet up as an HID device in the Communications -> Stream Setup window, and Isadora recognises the tablet. It sees the pen pressure as port No.9. Using the HID Value Listener Actor I can see the values change, and, via a Limit-Scale Value actor connected to the line width input on the Live Drawing actor I can vary the line width with pressure. [though I am having a small issue in that if the pressure falls below a certain threshold, the stream input for pressure defaults to zero andwon't active again until I click the pen away from Isadora,though Isadora continues to see the X and Y values of the pen]. Anyhow, is there a way that I can get the pressure output in the Stage Mouse Watcher actor to respond to the tablet? I mean, obviously, I can use the HID Value Listener Actor instead, but for the sake of elegance...
Mark (the London one) -