Trouble installing Syphon on Processing 2
I've been trying to connect my kinect to ISADORA using the available tutorial. However, when trying to install Syphon in Processing 2, I get the following error message: Received fatal alert: protocol_version
at ideas on how to fix this? Or alternative tutorial to linking kinect to Isadora?
@jxq said:
I've been trying to connect my kinect to ISADORA using the available tutorial. However, when trying to install Syphon in Processing 2, I get the following error message:
Some users have been reporting that they can no longer use the methods laid out in our Kinect Tutorials because of changes made to Processing (which is beyond our control). We are in the process of updating our Kinect tutorial with a new method that I figured out with processing 3. I'm going to simply copy and paste the instructions I gave to the team for testing which are not optimized for people who are new to this kind of thing. Still, if you follow these instructions regarding the SimpleOpenNI portion of the tutorial instructions, maybe you will find that you can get it working.
The raw, unedited instructions for the team follow below.
Best Wishes,
The key was finding this github repro that has an updated SimpleOpenNI for Processing v3.4.
This contains working Mac and Windows drivers for the Kinect 1 (both the Kinect 1414 and the more problematic 1473). In addition, the Mac version has drivers for Kinect v2! (Unproven, but I can see them there. Whoever has a v2 should try them. )
In any case, I tested this on Mac OSX 10.10 and Windows 10, and both are working with this. Here's what I did:
1) Download Processing v3.4
2) Open it and change the path to the libraries folder to say "/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Documents/Processing-v3" -- a similar change was made on Windows.
-- This is to ensure that the old libraries don't get mixed up with the new ones.
-- (Being able to change this is apparently a new feature of Processing v3 -- you can't change the path in v2.x)
-- Please note that the text in bold will/should be your Username on the computer that you are using.
3) Once you've done this, get the libraries for oscP5 and Syphon (mac) or Spout (win) as appropriate.
-- To do this on Mac, in Processing 3.4, navigate to Sketch > Import Library > Add Library.
-- Left-click "Add Library" (the top option). This will open the Contributions Manager.
-- In the "Libraries" tab of the Contributions Manager, type "oscP5" into the search bar.
-- Next, install the library "oscP5" by Andreas Schlegel by left-clicking it and then left-clicking "Install" in the bottom right.
-- Repeat this process for the library "Syphon" by Andres Colubri.
4) Go to this github site and download the .zip file
5) Unzip it and copy the SimpleOpenNI folder into Processing's library folder at "/Users/USERNAME/Documents/Processing-v3/libraries".
6) Restart Processing 3.4
7) Check that the libraries were properly installed in Processing 3.4.
-- In Processing 3.4, navigate to Sketch > Import Library
-- When you mouse-over "Import Library" option, a menu should pop out to the right.
-- At the bottom of the menu, "oscP5", "SimpleOpenNI", and "Syphon" should be listed under "Contributed".
-- If these three items are not present here, you will need to review Steps 1-6 and try to figure out where you went wrong.
Once you have verified that you have all of the libraries in the proper places, open the updated examples (attached below) and try them.Here are the updated Processing 3 example files:
Hello Mark,
I've tried to follow your post, but I didn't managed it with Isadora.
Processor 3 worked with his own Pde, but not with the Isadora Pde.
I've change the path (see the image), I've copyed the Osp5 and Syphon from the Processor 2 library. I've downloaded
Simple Open NI, and copied it into the new library. And when I've opened the example wich was attached to your post, nothing happened.
Do you have an idea of what's going on ?
Where's my mistake ?
Thanks for all
Best regards
If you are looking for a quick solution AND you are on Mac - I would recommend downloading NI-Mate. You will be up and running quite quickly. Their trial is free and I have found it's limitations to not be overly strict. I have turned to using it in my classes in order to cut down on complexity of working with these types of devices.
That said - I have in the past I have found that following the tutorials here with the older version of Processing - which I'm not remembering the .# of at the moment - that was used in the tutorials I was able to get it to work.
@aolis said:
If you are looking for a quick solution AND you are on Mac - I would recommend downloading NI-Mate
Worth pointing out that NiMate is cross platform and works very well in Windows: it's my weapon of choice for skeleton tracking in Isadora. However, the free version does interrupt the syphon / spout feed, so if that's what I'm after I use @DusX's nifty kinect2share utility, which is also the way to get JSON out of the Kinect.
@aolis said:
That said - I have in the past I have found that following the tutorials here with the older version of Processing - which I'm not remembering the .# of at the moment - that was used in the tutorials I was able to get it to work.
There was a change to one of the old libraries for Processing that made it not work properly. I think it was Syphon or SimpleOpenNI. Try this library for
This solved the issue for two people working with the older version of processing (version 2.2.1) as recommended in part 2 of our guide to using the Kinect with Isadora.
The Github for the Syphon Processing library does indeed say that the latest version is only compatible with v3.0, but the same page also has a link to the v2.0 compatible library. If the Syphon V2 library is not compatible with Processing it is not within our control, as we cannot influence software that isn't produced by TroikaTronix.
That being said, please follow this link to what I currently have running on my personal computer, which I have just verified works with Processing 2.2.1 finding the Kinect image and transmitting it to Isadora (and Syphon). The password for the link is "Isadora".
@jxq said:
when trying to install Syphon in Processing 2
Have you tried manually installing the Syphon library that I posted above?
Just checking in again if the Syphon library I posted above solved your issue. It did for a number of other people previously.
Best wishes,