ISight disabeld
iSight not working osx 10.8.3 IsadoraCore 1.3 0f25 after update to osx 10.8, macbook pro 4.1 QCpacht enables the cam in the live capture settings, its not a final solution.any support on this matter would be appreciated. merci bts
I have found the problem to be Quartz Patches.
If a quartz patch uses a video input (iSight) by default then as isadora opens it seems to steal the resource.Try removing all the Quartz Patches from your Library to a folder on your desktop as a test, relaunch isadora and it should re-appear. -
Could fix it, had some QCpatch with cam input, did some changes, isadora should now behave as usual,
@Skulpture thanks a lot
No problem.