Vertex xyz co-ordinate information
Hi all,
I am a very new user. I wanted to know if it is possible to get 3d co-ordinates of vertex positions of the 3d mesh.
For instance, I know that any mesh imported into the scene will have its own pivot point co-ordinates at 0,0,0. But the individual vertices will have their own spatial information. Is it possible to pull in that data for manipulation? Thanks in advance!
For the 3D Player actor what you are asking for does not appear to exist in the software at the moment. There are some other approaches that give the impression of animating 3D models, however they are quite limited. An option to try is to send an OSC data stream implemented within a Isadora patch that manipulates the mesh in another software (possibly Blender or Unity) and inversely using syphon/spout to bring the resulting image back into Isadora. I do not know if this is currently possible but will be looking into it myself. You might also look at the possibilities of GLSL Shader that allows Isadora to hook into the code of the Shader and manipulate discrete variables.
From my understanding using the 3D series of actors in Isadora there is no direct way to access vertex coordinates of a 3ds mesh model for manipulation.
best wishes
Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. I had seen the swarming effect done by you(its brilliant)and was hoping that there may be a way to manipulate vertex normals of a singular mesh. Won't that be awesome!
As for the glsl shaders, I am excited about the possibilities. Although shader coding is the next level of all things.
I wish Isadora could take in Processing codes. I am primarily a 3d and motion design artist so my approach is that of reverse engineering Thanks again for your quick response.