IZZYCON '19 suggestion
Hi Isadorians,
recently I saw the beautiful videos made by @Skulpture where he was jamming visuals in real time and I did few experiment with that format ( usually I play a lot with Isadora but I never did it with a time limit ). This gave me a nice idea ( at least in my mind) for werkstatt '19.
One night of real time visual/patching in isadora. 15 min each and one by one we start from scratch to something. Menawhile a dj play something( I'm pretty sure that between us someone can do it or we can hire someone...in Berlin is not difficult at all to find a dj ). so my idea inply: good music, a lot of friends, a lot of isadora patching and some beers ( will be in Berlin after all )
Any thoughts about?
It's a good idea I think. I'll make sure this makes it into the next brainstorming session.
Best Wishes,