LeDMX patch
Anyone willing to share a Patch for LeDMX from DMX King ?
Hi there @Designinmind18,
The LeDMX is a Pixel mapping endproduct that talks with software using DMX or the Artnet Protocol. Isadora can talk ArtnetPlease see https://troikatronix.com/get-i...under Isadora : Open Source & Third Party plugins. You will find in that ZIP archive the Artnet Actors + The example file that contains a lot of information about how it works.
Let us know if you have any questions after that step
(Or if you have issues with installing..)
Thanks, I was just hoping that someone had set up this paticular device and had a patch that would speed things up for my class. Runing artnet out of Izz is not my forte. I do have the the artnet actors and Marks explainer document with patch.
@designinmind18 said:
a Patch for LeDMX
Here is a patch I have used to test with an LeDMX. Sorry it is not commented.
Best Wishes
@bonemap Thanks for the patch