Optimizing Ipod for epoccam
we use Epoccam a lot to receive iPod touch video streams for isadora.
I wanted to ask the epoccam users for your approaches to optimize stability and lag/latency.
Here is my list concerning the iPod settings:
- Newest OS (12.2) and fresh install
- Deactivate auto update, location service, Siri, analysis data during the setup
- Uninstall all apps and widgets as far as possible
- deactivate Bluetooth, all sounds, background refresh and handoff
- set automatic lock to never, night shift to off
Is there anything I forgot, anything I do too much or any ideas/approaches to optimize further?Thank you very much.
Best regards
I don't think that you can optimise more on the iPod side. But make sure that the router is placed near the space where you use the iPod and connect the computer via cable. Did you read this thread? Maybe you could give it a try to see if there is a performance difference?
Best Michel
I seem to remember you mentioning some steps to take when setting up an iOS device for use in a show at the 2017 Werkstatt. Do you have any further advice on this topic?
Best wishes,
Some results of todays further testing:
- Ipod has to have fixed IP adress, I don't know why but it seems to make a difference, less time to connect.
- 1920 resolution works with less lag/latency than 1280.
- and very important: disable app nap in the viewer app!!!
- It seems lagging is rather caused by the viewer app / viewer machine; a bad connection can rather be seen as latency or bad image quality.
Just for someone who may read that thread once
Make sure you have a dedicated video network (put a password and don't share it with other traffic).
How old is the device in question? This may be a limiting factor...
Dear Woland,
dedicated network is already in use, 5Ghz.
The devices are iPod Touch 6th Gen, A1574. iOS 12.2
Did you experience app crashes using 1280x720? The app on the iPod crashes (closes) sometimes, when I try to use that resolution. It works with epoccam Viewer, but not with epoccam Viewer pro... which is strange.
Best! Timo
@schaubühnevideo said:
Did you experience app crashes using 1280x720?
I have only ever used AirBeam Pro, so I can't verify this behavior with Epoccam.
There are some stupid downloads around of Eppoc cam Pro that don't work. It is been a while I used it, so I can't say how it is now. Looking at the local settings in the device is good, but make sure you run a dedicated wireless network. In general is a lower rate setting better then full force super bandwidth. I used it in a show with 3 iPhones at 720P. Put the router on stage, not at FOH. 5 bars RF reception on the iPhone or Pad does not mean a good connection! You have to go back from the wireless device to the router. Use a router with external antenna's to increase receiving levels from the device. Many theaters got already wireless networks that can't turned off so small bandwidth also ensures a good workaround. Avoid old skool 802.11B settings, the networks will be as slow as the slowest connection. I still got good connection with N setting. AC is already too wide. A good router also got a monitor overview, so you can look for the best channel settings.