Amsterdam isadora workshops
I am looking for someone based in Amsterdam to possibly teach a few modules of a larger Isadora workshop (based on V3). Workshop/teaching experience is a must.
Let me know if you exist.
Hi Fred,
If the workshop is in English then I could possibly do it. Lots of technical teaching experience, some with Isadora.
I am not based in Amsterdam, but it's only a short train ride from my home in London.
PM me the dates you're looking at and I can tell you if I'm free. If I am, then you can consider my suitability! -
@mark_m I'll keep it in mind, we would not cover travel from the UK or accommodation and the workshops would often start in the morning. Still interested?
Hi Fred,
I might be interested too !
Hi there Fred,
I'm a user living in the Netherlands that did quite a few classes at the HKU. Let me know if you are interested and let's talk
I'd be down to attend if it's open to outsiders
@woland I'm afraid it's just for students. I'm sure you are way above this anyway