[ANSWERED] Using frequency monitoring in isadora 3 movie player
thank You all for your valid inputs and for the discussion created by the requirements of my project.
I am quite the amateur. I was invited to work for a play, and being an amateur, I solved the issue by outputting the sound and inputting it through an external sound card line in.i am glad to know I paid a license and that @mark even replied to my question. Thank you so much for your program that helped me make create something that will make some kids very happy.
all of you guys speak about a lot of things. As a retired business consultant I understand @mark. He has to prioritize his assets to develop the most required tools. He can only know that through this forum so it is important that all of us participate on making it better by finding new ways to use it and specific problem.
Asa beginner very much interested on the capabilities of this software I feel that it is lacking examples online of what you can achieve by using it. Today I finished a project and nobody knew this solution. I was surprised. I needed help and even the founder replied to me. Give more examples, more alternatives, I will, and others for sure help the base of users to grow and therefore the listing of opportunities to develop it even further.
Again, thank you all for your support. I am not here to to support any discussion that does not provide a solution. (@mark frequency selection said n/a but nevertheless the output was created). I am here to dream, and what you do helps me make my “dreams” come true. So thank you; even if not in a perfect way my creativity took shape.
i am happy to be part of this community,
Diogo -
@gafias said:
Asa beginner very much interested on the capabilities of this software I feel that it is lacking examples online of what you can achieve by using it.
Thank you for your thoughtful words and for understanding the need to prioritize things. As sometime trained as an artist, thinking in "business mode" is something that I am still learning how to do well. But it's clear that for the long term health of the software, given that we are a small company, I need to take care about where we allocate our resources.
Regarding examples: I have started recording a new batch of tutorials for Isadora that will start going online soon. The old tutorials were one of the best ways to learn Isadora, because they provided the guidance you're speaking of. I hope to have the first one online next week, and plan to add one per week after that until we've hit all of the important points for novice and intermediate users.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
@gafias said:
I solved the issue by outputting the sound and inputting it through an external sound card line in.
It is good to hear that you found a solution. Did you end up playing the file internally in Isadora and looping through your sound card to the live capture settings and enabling Audio Frequency Analysis?
Best wishes
@mark, just shared my feelings regarding all the discussion my question started. I have the reverse problem, a businessman starting to do art. It is hard to use "both sides" of the brain.
Where will those video tutorials be available? I am looking forward to watch them.
Sorry for the late reply but I was fortunately away from technology.
Best regards,
@bonemap, exactly. I wanted to use the volume variation to affect the projection and it worked as i required.
Best Regards,
Hi Gafias, regarding "businessman starting to do art": I know what you are talking about (me: "engineer to puppeteer").
Something that really really helped me was reading and doing Betty Edwards "How to draw on the right side of the brain".
After many years of not knowing how to deal with my double education, this book finally helped me to get conscious about which part of the brain I am using and how to switch...Best regards, Tom
Hi all,
I believe it maybe due to Catalina update/new machine, the freq bands in movie player stopped functioning. I've found this thread and understand that it doesn't support Windows, but for Mac after Catalina, is there something that we need to download to enable QuickTime to function in Isadora?
Right now I can think of a workaround by using the old machine to freq bands values via OSC to the new machine, but just like to check in to see if there's any updates on this. Thank you! -
Unfortunately not, the Quicktime engine is 32 Bit and will not work on Catalina.
Best Michel
you have to use the way over "Soundflower" or " Blackhole" and the sound Frequency Band or Sound frequency watcher actors.
Thank you @Michel
Right, I remember Mark mentioned that a while ago. So this "freq band" feature won't function after Catalina. I look forward to future replacement of this feature In the meantime, I figured out using the old machine to run the stem audio tracks and send each track's value via OSC to the new machine. It's working well so far
@jfg thank you for the suggestion! I'm actually using the freq band feature for a specific reason. Just sharing it for those who might be interested using similar technique. I basically take different stem tracks and use the volume data of each stem to drive the visuals.
with love, -
@chimerik said:
take different stem tracks and use the volume data of each stem to drive the visuals
Thanks so much for sharing your technique it is really cool!
The big question is what happens to frequency bands in the Movie Player? It was a big part of my workflow with Isadora pre Catalina - so what now post Catalina? I have kept an older MacPro with OSX Mojave because the freq bands function of the MoviePlayer is so quick and convenient to deploy in a patch when prototyping. Using the Sound Frequency Watcher or Frequency Bands with Live Capture frequency analysis adds a lot of extra steps and system configuration to implement to get to the same place in Catalina.
It would be great to get this resolved soon. My understanding is that the frequency band functionality of the MoviePlayer on the Mac pre Catalina will be lost in future implementations of the new sound/audio channel system currently being developed in the beta program, because it was provided by Quicktime.
best wishes
@bonemap said:
what happens to frequency bands in the Movie Player? It was a big part of my workflow with Isadora pre Catalina - so what now post Catalina?
I've logged this as a feature request but since it's more of an advanced feature I predict that we won't be able to take care of this as soon as you would like. We try to prioritize adding features and improving things that will give a better experience for as many users as possible, so unfortunately many things that we need to rank higher on our to-do list are not power-user features like sound frequency analysis. As Mark loves to say though, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so if you and others remind us of this feature request often enough, it improves the chances of it being ranked higher in terms of priority.
Best wishes,
we also whish to have a future with this feature...
Thank you everyone. I also hope there are ways to bring this feature back when time is right for izzy. In the meantime, I just did a test on the workaround, and I thought it might be helpful for people to see how it works. Feel free to watch and use this as your workaround to achieve very similar result.
summary: I recorded this demo to show the workaround for the Movie Player's freq band output trick that worked before Catalina, and for Window users too. Since the original Movie Player's freq band uses QuickTime engine, and QuickTime engine isn't supported 64 bit, post Catalina OS won't work. Isadora community users has suggested this workaround. Originally I thought it would be a lot more work due to the many audio tracks to capture live, but since Blackhole supports 16 channel virtual audio capture, and you can actually identify each channel in the sound level watcher actor, so this workaround is actually feasible.