Keyboard text to a projector and saved in a file
@mark. Can we officially request that functionality as a feature request?
You can officially request it. But I will officially need to prioritize it. Seriously, I'll do what I can. But trying to really nail down the new release, and trying (TRYING!) to not add anything new until I do.
Best Wishes,Mark -
_nail down the new release, and trying (TRYING!) to not add anything new.
_Me Like.
@Michel: hahaha. thank you my friend. Encouragement towards minimalism.
thanks everyone. i'll use an id# for now
Hello vanderzee,
I made a user actor for a project last year to do pretty much exactly what you're trying to do (absent the external text file). More or less it's a text version of the table actor, cobbled together from lots of text triggers. Saves any input text phrase (in my case coming from incoming OSC packets) to one of 10 spaces and lets it be output independently.
Here it is w a few brief instructions in the user actor. Hope it might help you out.
Ian, Thx. I played with your actor a bit to understand how it works. Tell me more about "incoming OSC packets". I want to be able to type a person's name and have it displayed and saved.
Dear All,
Here's a solution that allows you to type, and even backspace, characters on the keyboard and accumulate the text as you go. It's heavily commented so it will hopefully make sense.But keep in mind the dangers of the backspace key.Got some actors selected when you press it? D'oh! They're gone!Best Wishes,Mark -
Thanks Mark I will tinker with this, backspace aware!
Was the problem with saving the text file resolved? I'm looking to receive an input and store it as a variable which gets gets displayed and overwritten.
Also is there a way to exclude an input from Marks scene above, so as to use with a keyboard watcher used as a trigger? Any thoughts on erasing the text collected this way as well?If any of these questions are unclear I would definitely be able to clarify.