[ANSWERED] Formatting text
Just for curiosity: In one of my old patches I found the "Number to Text" actor, which obviously got replaced by the "Text Formatter" (<--- typing mistake?).
Since the "number to text actor" does what it says and feels more intuitive then the "Text formater" with changing "data" to "p1"...
Are there any risks using this actor in the future?
Why got it replaced?
It was renamed "Value To Text"
Thanks! I was only searching for "text" and it did not pop up there...
Best wishes, Tom
@tomthebom said:
Thanks! I was only searching for "text" and it did not pop up there...
That'd be because the in-workspace search only has so much space and is sorted alphabetically so "Value To Text" isn't visible because it's all the way at the bottom of the alphabetical list.
If you search "To Text" or "Value" in the workspace it'll show up
Best wishes,