OBS: OSC Scene Switcher - My Version
Dear All,
In preparing for today's guru session I wanted to make use of this python script hosted on GitHub to allow me to switch scenes in OBS using OSC. Kudos to Carlo Cattano for creating it.
However, I discovered two issues:
1) macOS does not support python scripts The workaround is to run the script in a terminal window.
2) The script itself does not seem to work as one might expect. The description indicates that the single numeric parameter sent after the /Scenes address should select the scene at that index, i.e., 0 selects the first scene, 1 selects the second, etc. But it doesn't seem to work that way. So I made some improvement and fixes to the script as given below. This code below should be replace the code in the ObSC.py file.
Best Wishes,
Markimport sys,time,argparse,math from pythonosc import dispatcher from pythonosc import osc_server import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) sys.path.append('../') from obswebsocket import obsws, requests # noqa: E402 host = "localhost" port = 4444 password = "put_your_password_here" ws = obsws(host, port, password) ws.connect() ScenesNames = [] SceneSources = [] def sourceSwitch(source_name,scene,switch): ws.call(requests.SetSceneItemProperties(source_name,scene,visible=switch)) def is_integer(v): try: int(v) return True; except ValueError: return False; def scene_switch(unused_addr, args, oscValue):
if (is_integer(oscValue)):
print("CMD = '{0}' INDEX = {1} OBS SCENE NAME = '{2}'".format(args[0], oscValue, ScenesNames[int(oscValue)]))
# control sources by using sourceSwitch("source_Name","Scene_name", bool)
# sourceSwitch("screen1","Scene1",False)
print("OSC Value '{0}' cannot be converted to an integer.".format(oscValue))
if name == "main":
scenes = ws.call(requests.GetSceneList())
for s in scenes.getScenes():
name = s['name']
print("Adding Scene = '{0}".format(name))
ScenesNames.append(name) # Add every scene to a list of scenes
print("CURRENT SCENES IN OBS:\n", ScenesNames)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--ip", default="", help="The ip to listen on")
parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=5005, help="The port to listen on")
args = parser.parse_args() # parser for --ip --port arguments
dispatcher = dispatcher.Dispatcher()
dispatcher.map("/Scene", scene_switch, "Scene") # OSC LISTENER
server = osc_server.ThreadingOSCUDPServer((args.ip, args.port), dispatcher)
print("Serving on {}".format(server.server_address))
except KeyboardInterrupt: