NDI preload, is it possible?
Hi everyone,
when I change scene, the NDI watcher actor in the scene to come takes a second or two to get the stream to the projector,
I tried to preload the scene in the one before but as I thought, preload works for medias and no video real time stream,
of course I could put NDI watcher in an activated scene and use matrix send value to fade or switch the projector,
but is there any other way to preload the stream to get it right when I activate the scene?all the best !
@bennnid put your NDI watchers in a scene together and attach them to broadcaster actors. Keep that scene activated with an activate scene actor, and then progress through your cues using Listeners to grab the NDI feeds.
thanks ! I like that solution !
Now I'm wondering what difference it makes,
to broadcast ndi watcher form an activated scene,
or to use an un activated projector in an activated scene and make it active when needed...
i see the convenience of manipulating a projector present in the scene I'm in, but I mean more "performance wise", is it more "efficient" to broadcast?
does the broadcast use process even if it isn't being listened?Thx
@bennnid Do you find yourself frequently not using all of the NDI feeds in your scenes? I tend to have a pretty high saturation rate in terms of needing almost every NDI source in every scene, but if that is not the case for you, perhaps there is some efficiency to gain elsewhere?
Probably a @mark question.
Indeed I m just asking for logical question to understand Isa better, but I d be curious to know your config, it s a bit out of subject but would you share? Thx
@bennnid said:
Now I'm wondering what difference it makes, to broadcast ndi watcher form an activated scene,or to use an un activated projector in an activated scene and make it active when needed...
There is very little difference. Unless you have hundreds of them, using a Broadcaster/Listener pair has only slightly more overhead than the normal link within a scene. We're talking an extra few microseconds.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
thx @mark
I begin to understand the power of activated scenes
@bennnid said:
I begin to understand the power of activated scenes
You can also use background Scenes to make global projection mapping easier: https://community.troikatronix.com/topic/5495/global-projection-mapping-simple-show-template?_=1613735987660